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Everything posted by audre

  1. hi lovely PIO people, i got my amazing grant, right around the 8 month mark:) I wish all of you May applicants speedy grants - you are next in line! i just want to thank everyone for their support and updates, it has really meant a lot during this waiting time. also many thanks for the advice offered and generally great community feel. best of luck to all and many happy beginnings! cheers! :yes:
  2. hi all - yes, I applied first week of May so hopefully not too long now! nearing that 8 month mark :arghh:
  3. whee! anther happy day! congrats! do you guys reckon there could be more grants before new years or do we just expect January? cheers and happy holidays all! :biggrin:
  4. agree with above! not to worry - the clock starts ticking from the moment they receive it (at least it did for me, although i heard from an actual co a couple of weeks later)
  5. weeee!!! big congrats cheese!! enjoy your holidays and thanks for letting us know:) :ssign19:
  6. big congrats! and thanks for updating, enjoying the supportive circle we have here:) such a long wait!!
  7. that is fantastic! i wasn't given a date at all:( will call or email in January to ask (meaning: hassle) (8 month mark) if no grant until then... my flight is also booked for Jan ..i applied a few days before you! best of luck! :cute:
  8. yes, you need to tell them of any address change. we changed our address during this process and i just emailed my CO to tell them. xx
  9. i dont think they contact them unless there is a particular reason for it or a problem, but more experienced PIOs might know this one.
  10. i was wondering the same thing but I reckon they would have told me if something was wrong by now! so i am hopeful:)
  11. oh dear! breaking up is very depressing, not to mention when the visa concerns and waiting to move get involved. sorry james!
  12. got that too... i'm not surprised people inquired, it was a rather confusing survey to receive :twitcy:
  13. same here guys! got the email, few days shy of 7 months processing... :arghh:
  14. agreed with above. in our case, PIO was the agent! we did it ourselves, preparing docs over the course of 2 months, by reading through the migration booklet and just about every PIO post and question on the topic. and at times, even agents contribute to the forum, which is fantastic. but in complicated circumstances, I see how an agent would be very useful (provided that one can afford one).
  15. congrats to Chany!! do keep us posted everyone - fingers crossed for the other april applicants! xx
  16. maybe people just did the health checks earlier than the 3 months? this rule was set because the meds expire in a year so people have more time to validate the visa as far as i know. I did not receive any feedback about visa type, but I assume it will be 309. Is there any point emailing our COs and asking for more info or would we get the standard response? Mainly I am worried that the xmas holidays will push our grants to January:/
  17. Cheese, I submitted about 2 weeks after you, still waiting. Keep us updated:) xx
  18. if you sent more than they needed, they return them...they returned our photos but we sent family photos, some photos from trips etc. they also returned the police checks (the originals)...
  19. i see what you mean about planning the 8-9 month mark and not getting worked up - but i can totally relate to putting one's life on hold as newbie wrote. i find this final stretch more stressful than the 3 months before the medicals and police checks! :arghh:
  20. same here snufkin! early may applicant here, very impatient:) couple of us have been following this here thread too: http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/migration-issues/196048-309-de-facto-partner-visa-april-still-waiting-5.html says some april applicants have been granted, though I find it hard to see a pattern (some get granted, some don't, depending on workload etc) so all we can do is hope and speculate:)
  21. Hi April applicants - pls keep us posted on your progress - I am hoping for a pre-Christmas grant, fingers and toes crossed so should follow right after you! Somehow I find this wait worse than putting together all those docs...
  22. Hi all Just a quick question on the UK visa medicals, partner visa. I got a form to fill out before going to my appointment and it asks whether I would like to get acessed for a permanent visa. Do I tick yes? Does that make sense even though I am very likely to be granted the temporary one first?
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