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Everything posted by redleader

  1. Hi All, Thanks for all your replies. Yes, I thought it would be standard, that next of kin details would be required by the school. And yes I suppose, on the face of it, it does sound an odd question to ask. My reasons for asking are, that my son left for Australia with his dad in Feb, after going thru the UK courts to establish contact etc. Having recently contacted the school to find out how he's doing, they advised me that I was not even listed as a parent on the enrolment forms!! Now heres the question. Do enrolment forms ask for parents details? Or would that be disclosable on an 'emergency contact' details form, or are these forms the same thing? The plot thickens!
  2. Hi there, Just wondered if anybody knows if Australian schools have a form that parents must fill in, when their child starts school with them. ( ie whom to contact in the event the child had an accident for instance?) Any further info on this would be helpful!
  3. are you the parent who wants to go, or the one that will be left behind?
  4. I have dreamy Fish. PM me if you need any more help. x
  5. http://www.thecustodyminefield.co.uk there is a wealth of info on here which might help. :biggrin:
  6. Yes, giving permission to apply for the visa's is different to giving permission for you to remove them from the jurisdiction. You will need to apply for ' leave to remove' in the uk. I have just been through it myself, and it is a very upsetting process for all. I suppose, the golden question is if the children want to go! Their ages would also be relevant here, ie if they have sufficient understanding of what moving to another country actually means. Good luck.
  7. I have just been thru a leave to remove case myself and found this site invaluable. http://www.thecustodyminefield.co.uk. It'll help you a lot.
  8. Just thought I would give an update in situation. Have court directions hearing tomorrow- EEEEEEEEK! Fingers crossed.
  9. I'd agree with this. I am going through a Leave to remove case at the moment, and permission is required from the non migrating parent, up until the child is 18, not 16. It does seem to be a grey area of law in that any 'leave to remove' case would be sought via the UK courts under the childrens Act. This Act applied up until child is 16. But the parental responsibility agreement is up until the child is 18. My advice would be to start the ball rolling with getting the other parents agreement first. Good luck
  10. Thankyou. does the fact that my son will be being sponsored make any difference to the ''international student fees' part?
  11. Sorry for delay in replying! I would assume that if my son is going in on a temp visa which is part of his dads spouse visa, then this wouldnt allow him (my son) to work? They are looking at a TAFE college in VIC, which again, I think attracts international student fees due to him being on a temp visa.
  12. My son will be in this situation too. But i am confused. If he is going in on a temp visa, he would be classed as an International student (and therefore attract those fees) until such a time as his perm visa is granted? Am I correct?
  13. yep. all of that is in progress. I would never let myself be bullied into signing something I do not want to sign .Mine and my sons relationship is at stake here Even if he doesn't know it now, he might understand more in the future and one day he will think good on you. Even if he doesn't know it now, he might understand more in the future and one day he will think good on you. I'm banking on him realising this important issue in his later years.
  14. I havent replied to any of the solicitors letters yet. It has only been 8 days since the 1st one, let alone the 2nd.
  15. The 1st solicitors letter i received was on fri 16th aug. Dad knew that son was here till sun 18th Aug. 11am 19th aug, angry voicemails from dad, telling me i should sign the papers. Dad states that son is furious with me.
  16. UPDATE: further solicitors letter received today. It reads exactly the same as the one sent 6 days before. Court proceedings are 'imminent' So, I am supposed to have sought legal advice, AND replied in 6 days?
  17. thanks quinkla. I do appreciate your input. I only wish I could bow out of this one with you. x
  18. poll tax days were the 80's? do you have any experience or knowledge of how mckenzie friends are perceived in this day and age? I ask, because I am thinking of getting one. Obviously, if this is the way that mckenzie friends are viewed in a court setting in todays political environment, i might think again. But if your experience of a mckenzie friend was ONLY in the 80's I would welcome any further input about their possible help, as the perception of them might be viewed very differently by todays standards? I dont know? what do you think? I'm open to any ones help/ knowledge here?
  19. Thanks for all your support/ advice guys. I am absolutely exhausted, emotionally and physically from all of this. Believe me i read all of your posts, but some times i I dont have any spare capacity to reply. I'll keep you posted. x
  20. why Not? do you have experiences of mackenzie friends in this particular subject? I ask because I am considering having one.
  21. I have been asked this question many times. Am I letting my emotion get in the way of the real facts here. And honestly, I dont think I am. Since being with his Dad, my son has declined educationally. Dad hasnt included me in on school reports, parents evenings, medical procedures, sons mental state. Why would a father not include me? because he has, even for the last 2 years wanted to exclude me from my sons life. Contact with my son, once he was with his father was reduced to 'when he wants to come and see you' When my son was with me, contact with father was everyother weekend without fail. Why was contact with me reduced AS SOON as my son was in dads care? (in case you are wondering, there is no reason why contact SHOULD be reduced with me) REason: because his dad wants to cut me out of sons life. Going to Oz is the final step for him to achieve that. Incidentally, when I asked dad initially about contact whilst in Oz, he said son had an open ticket for 1 year. I asked to see son twice a year. he point blank refused and said, 'it wasnt possible' I dont think he can prove that he 'promotes contact' so this is just one of the issues I have. For anyone else going thru this, I would suggest joining 'families for fathers' it has a massive amount of info, and I have found a mackenzie friend who has done lots of 'leave to remove' cases, and I will be enlisting his help.
  22. I'm aware that the court will take his views into consideration, but it does have to be in the childs best interests as well. Surely moving to another country where there are no firm plans, is not 'in his interests' What would be in his interests, is that dad goes over there, sorts out living arrangements, jobs etc, and son can follow once all is in place? Thats how I would do it as a parent. What do you think?
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