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Everything posted by redleader

  1. Hi All, Thanks for all your replies. Yes, I thought it would be standard, that next of kin details would be required by the school. And yes I suppose, on the face of it, it does sound an odd question to ask. My reasons for asking are, that my son left for Australia with his dad in Feb, after going thru the UK courts to establish contact etc. Having recently contacted the school to find out how he's doing, they advised me that I was not even listed as a parent on the enrolment forms!! Now heres the question. Do enrolment forms ask for parents details? Or would that be disclosable on an 'emergency contact' details form, or are these forms the same thing? The plot thickens!
  2. Hi there, Just wondered if anybody knows if Australian schools have a form that parents must fill in, when their child starts school with them. ( ie whom to contact in the event the child had an accident for instance?) Any further info on this would be helpful!
  3. are you the parent who wants to go, or the one that will be left behind?
  4. I have dreamy Fish. PM me if you need any more help. x
  5. http://www.thecustodyminefield.co.uk there is a wealth of info on here which might help. :biggrin:
  6. Yes, giving permission to apply for the visa's is different to giving permission for you to remove them from the jurisdiction. You will need to apply for ' leave to remove' in the uk. I have just been through it myself, and it is a very upsetting process for all. I suppose, the golden question is if the children want to go! Their ages would also be relevant here, ie if they have sufficient understanding of what moving to another country actually means. Good luck.
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