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Everything posted by Bouncy

  1. Hi there! We've just started to consider geraldton as a possible place we could live! I'm a nurse and I'm told the hospital there has jobs! So my queries are, does it get decent internet connection ? Enough for Skype? is it possible to get overseas deliveries like m&s and next? I know people get them in perth but just wanted to check! And would ikea charge an arm and a leg to deliver there? Is the cost of living on a par with perth suburbs? Any my more info greatly appreciated! Sorry if my questions seem a little silly, I really have no clue!! :-) thanks, bouncy x
  2. Hi there, I received my letter if eligibility from ahpra this week and I'm original dip he child, topped up with degree, bsc in child health, do it doesn't need to have nursing in the title, I was worried about that too xx
  3. Wow thanks jayz great advice!! If your not in recruitment maybe you should be!! Thanks again !
  4. Hi guys, so I'm taking the plunge and entering the black hole that is AHPRA!!!! I'm compiling my cv (because they ask for it but probably don't look at it) and wondered do I need to include stuff like gcse results? Or just the nursing related quals? Also I've done the IELTS so do I need to fill in the education in English bit ? My school is gone now so couldn't get anything to prove I was taught in English!! Any advice much appreciated!!
  5. Hi guys! Anyone know how long IELTS lasts for application to ahpra and visa? Say it last august so it's already been a year! God knows how long ahpra will take! Don't want to resit if I can help it !
  6. Ok, thanks Kelly, let the madness commence!! X
  7. Hi guys, just after some clarification! I'm hoping to go to perth so do I get my documents sent from anmac to the perth office? Or is there a central office everything gets sent to? I know I'm gonna be in for a long wait but at least I'll be in the queue!!
  8. Hi guys! Well done bigmac that's great news! I'm about to get in line with ahpra to see if I can register before we go for the visa! Just wondered is there a central address to get anmac to send documents to or do I just get them sent to the perth office which is where we hope to go!
  9. Agreed, as soon as my anmac comes back I'll be sending an e mail!! Not sure if this is helpful or just confirming what we know but I emailed a nursing recruitment and relocation agency in oz after seeing people asking them for info on bridging courses. That had a notice on their website stating dip he only nurses from uk should not make any irreversible plans at the minute as ahpra are refusing or referring theses nurses. I asked about those of us with a post grad degree and they said these have been fine just the dip he having problems. They also said how it will never work if they keep to this, and are in discussions with ahpra regarding this. They said most of the nurses they get are dip he so they won't fulfil their skills select quota with these rules in place so something has to change! Glad they agree!! Just thought I'd share!!
  10. Ha, I just have all the pages open in my I phone so can flick through refresh and hope for good news! I'm disappointed a lot!
  11. If anyone is entitled to have a rant it's everyone on this thread! I've become obsessed too with checking for updates! One day I'll hit thec refresh button to someone with the diploma saying they got their registration through! If only!!
  12. Ahpra don't seem to know their a@#e from their elbow!! It's absurd! They surely can't do this! geordiegirl68 can't even imagine how you must be feeling! Paednurseclaire, yes it's a worry they'll change to something else ridiculous or immigration will stop nurses visas once the ahpra mess is sorted out!! Keep thinking where there's a will there's a way and all that! They've just made it all so much more difficult/impossible!!
  13. Paednurseclaire, can't you do the remaining modules to complete your degree? I did mine through work so it was free! Only need 90 credits for bsc degree or 120 with honours! Your already half way! It's the most awful situation to dump on folk with no warning, everyone has invested so much in the process up to now, it's sooooo unfair! Dies anyone know exactly how long the bridging course lasts? I've read varying lengths, some 3 months. I'm just keeping everything crossed this whole thing comes together for everyone!!
  14. Hi paednurseclaire, I'm in a similar boat! Paeds nurse dip he, have completed my post grad degree. Anmac due in any day now but don't know which step to take next! I'm thinking I'll apply for ahpra and if I don't get registered then game over, the cost and time it would take to do the bridging course would make the whole move just too difficult! Fingers crossed it doesn't come to that! Working on a plan b just in case!!: (
  15. Surely if dip he nurses have done there practice development degree this must be ok? Can't imagine why it wouldn't be! But then can't imagine why a 3 year dip he wouldn't be good enough!
  16. Thanks for the update jac2011, it's a total mess!! I'm still waiting on anmac so I'm definitely going to sit tight til I go any further!! geordiegirl68 you must be mega frustrated!! That's probably an understatement!!!! im a dip/he with a top up degree, dies the top up degree make any difference at all?
  17. Hi guys I've just got back from a weeks holiday, so was hoping for some good news from you guys who are wIting for news from ahpra? I've read a few of the updates which doesn't sound too promising! Has there been any news as to wether dip/he nurse are no longer accepted or us it still up in the air? Keeping everything crossed!!!!!
  18. As I've got the dip/he child branch I'm getting worried. I've since topped up to degree in child health but not sure that helps! Hope there are some answers soon.
  19. Hi paednurseclaire, that's rubbish about your references! I waited what seemed like ages to get mine written, not sure I could cope with having to get them rewritten! Think out assessments must be in the same pile! This has to be he most stressful bit!!!!!!
  20. Hi just to update! I received an e mail from anmac this morning apologising for the confusion, it seems someone else's ahpra registration was stapled to one of my pieces of paperwork! Oops! This assessment will turn me grey!! So no more action required..... Phew!!!!
  21. Yes ahpra is looking like it's going to be even more of a pain! Haven't even started that bit yet and I'm already worried!!! We are hoping for perth, I've got friends there so at least we 'd have some insider knowledge and a helping hand once there!! All very exciting!!
  22. Oh my word! Kellyv that's fantastic! You must be do excited!! It seems anmac us the longest part of this process!! Where are headed?
  23. Thanks kellyv, hope this ident hold things up too much!!
  24. Hi all, can anyone shed some light on the e mail I received this morning!? It's from anmac stating that initial pre assessment is done and most documents are in order except initial Australian registration. It then says "noting you now have Australian rego." What does this mean? I have not yet registered with ahpra! Does this mean I need to send something else? I did register as a nurse in oz about 10 ish years ago when the system was completely different and each state had their own nursing body! I never kept this registration up. I have no paper work from this and as the Queensland nursing body ( who I registered with no longer exists ). Not sure how I'd get a copy! I did email ahpra at the beginning of this process and they said as things had changed so dramatically since my initial reg I had to start from scratch!! Do I just wait for further instructions? any help massively appreciated!! i posted this in migration issues initially but probably should be here instead!
  25. Hi oz2014 thanks for that, shouldn't be a problem finding that stuff! I'll have look at those guidelines! Thanks again x
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