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Everything posted by Peccavi

  1. Easily. People die of cold too. Why this constant competition? That is appeciated Baz. His reality. I note that you are loving living in Australia. Well done to you. I do actually mean that. But that cliched nonsense of 'man up'? How do you say that to a baby, or a toddler, or an elderly person who may have to come out and do their own shopping? It's a lousy phrase. This sentence is much better: "good grief where is the empathy for our fellow man....?"
  2. Thanks for advice and comments! I would like to update this. Though this is 'settled' (we are at a final stage which should be fixed on Monday...). I have reached a 'Without Prejudice' agreement with Velta International. (I name the freight management company on the grounds that we all discuss/name shipping/freight management companies in an endeavour to get the best deals....as long as we are not defamatory). The terms of that agreement are something I cannot discuss, but suffice it to say that charges were reduced. Very considerably..as a 'goodwill gesture'... However, this issue in general terms is one I am pursuing with the Office of Fair Trading. It is a critical issue. I have to admit I walked straight into this. I didn't know. I was under pressure; shipment of these two boxes only occurred the day before departure. In my view this has all the elements of 'lamb to slaughter'. I'll revert to dollars: the contents of those boxes were no more than $150, all costs to get them to my door would have been close ballpark: $1200!! Sending receiving. I'm serious. ($380 to send. £470 receive) - work it out. Unless you send unaccompanied boxes through a small load reputable company, never NEVER do what I did. The worry this caused exacerbated my health problems. It was only legal knowledge + Velta acknowledging health problems (and possible liability) that has resolved (not quite there....) this. Both send/receive companies knew about these charges. Neither advised verbally or in documents about them. Whether you are rushed as I was or not; you sign to 'accept all charges incurred in the delivery of goods' (not verbatim, but it is bog standard). What you have just signed is effectively, a blank cheque! That's the issue. The Australian company contacted me: they had been advised by the UK company that I was refusing to accept the goods. They told me (and thoughtfully provided my signed form) that 'I had signed to pay all costs', that 'under no circumstances would they reduce their costs'. I sent them a blistering response. (Be very careful what you put in writing, but stand up to this). I referred to it as a 'feeding frenzy of fees and charges'. I referred to it as 'legal extortion'. I drew their attention to the fact that I had said 'legal'. That was a week ago. I doubt I'll hear from them again. But it IS immoral and unethical. It turns out that there are three companies involved in this process (at last count!). Senders/shippers/receivers: all 'take their cut'. That's why these charges are so high. But if these charges are ethically valid, why are they so open to barter? I have seen other posts on expat sites. All have managed to reduce charges if they challenged them. If they are legal and set,-why are they able to? My shipping company for the household goods like others gave a quote for overall costs (some shippers have tried to raise costs-but not the ethical companies). Quote is accepted/you pay/ and that is it-unless there is a Customs charge for some of your goods. (Mine got through). That's it. The company is paid-the agreement reached. Not with this: First payment is send........and there you sign that blank cheque to pay all subsequent charges. Where is the incentive to keep costs at a reasonable level? There is none! It IS effectively a blank cheque scenario. And it needs investigating. _________________________________________ I appreciate that I've rambled on, but this issue needs airing. An entire (albeit small) load of household goods threw up no problems (other than breakages...none discovered yet!). Because it was an agreed prepayment. Two small boxes have caused endless worry. Because the owner has signed to meet costs-without even knowing what they will be! It is a charging smorgasbord for those involved because acceptance of those costs is on a signed form!! My GENERAL comment is that this is a rort. An absolute rort.
  3. Your opinion, your thoughts. Well expressed. Your opinion, your thoughts of what the OP actually means. Equally well expressed-but totally wrong. Please allow each of us to make our own judgment call without your compelling need to tell us what we really mean and how we should go about changing our attitude!!!! Yes. I would have thought this obvious. But of course people don't know their own minds...... .........you're for it now!! It would take the most extraordinary intelligence for spirits to decide the future of the country! That'll do. !! (It adds to an interesting ongoing debate though; there are some titles that DO cause offence to the recipients, even if those that use them don't find them offensive).
  4. There are many ways of looking at this, and some of them get boring too.
  5. For you. This is what I was saying: why judge people based on your reaction? It is vile and uncomfortable and I don't blame those who are distressed one little bit. Last season the train to the Southern suburbs was not running and non airconditioned extra buses were put on by one of the privately run public transport companies. It was a heatwave that had gone on for days. People complained,- (oh the shame of them!!) The head of that 'service' was quoted as saying 'they would just have to put up with it'. These congenital idiots know full well that people have no choice. .....Weatherill had a word in his shell like though. They put a/c buses on. Twerp! I would have equal sympathy for those at the other extreme of temperatures as well. We do actually have a thing called aircon in the 21stC. It should be a standard in all buildings/schools-some do not have a/c! I feel sorry for those wo do not have a/c particularly the vulnerable.
  6. Even this is made into a contest! And even if sympathy is expressed for Australia-THAT is a contest: it's only the Poms/Europeans! It's almost everyone! Spare a thought for babies/toddlers/those who are ill/the elderly. It's bloody hot OK? It's vile, I absolutely hated it! If people choose to live/like Australia, then they should suck it up? It is torture for some! I don't give one damn if your Grandmother shivered in a fur coat because it was only 48 degs and SHE didn't have airconditioning! It is draining and at that level a health hazard. And to be in crowds, with failing services, and non airconditioned buses and trains (even in this day and age??); is purgatory. I don't know how the hell they cope. And my oath, yes I am damn glad I'm no longer there! How weird is it that you can have sympathy for Australians, yet still be considered to be criticizing Australia!
  7. Bravo! But I suspect you will now generate further discussion. Facts are very irritating. Besides,- he was a bad lot so it doesn't matter..
  8. You have nothing to lose at all. You could even approach it in a general way asking for advice about how it works in Australia/ given the experience you have../ and it would be nice to settle there and contribute to the society and the economy. .................or you could just ask them if they are employing..!
  9. I know nothing about the system of today having come (and returned recently) many years ago. I would be inclined to look up businesses in your field of expertise and send something off to every one of them! Good luck to you!
  10. I'm unsure how to help you, but I'm sure someone will be along soon!
  11. That clarifies it! I knew there was some criteria. Sorry about your struggle, -I love being home, but it is anything but easy.
  12. Holy dooley! Can you really? A lottery.
  13. No. He just made a simple simple statement about it. As did I. Which you felt a compelling need to correct. Let me know if this is going to start again and again I will do something about it. There is plenty of choice for us all here. No more digs.
  14. It's physics Bob, physics. Get with the programme! Ain't physics amazing...
  15. Amazing! The weight of the liquid pushes the cork out........
  16. Don't be concerned. I lived in Adelaide for nearly 37 years. The UK is my preference, but Adelaide has some great areas to settle down with the family. Of course there is crime and breakins, if there were none you would be in Paradise; not any place on this Earth! Please don't be concerned with these stats, as NicF has said it is likely that this is closer to the City. The 'burbs are like anywhere else-good and bad. It is a nervous time I'm sure, but you will find somewhere nice-it's a big place!
  17. I know that. I just think we should be more concerned with our fellow men, then the jingoistic loyalty to a flag.
  18. Hells teeth! The Eastern suburbs? They are considered to be the dress circle areas of Adelaide! Twinset/pearls/ and GBH!
  19. I saw him do this on telly last night. Amazing!
  20. French. Language and accent. Tres' magnifique!
  21. I reckon you pretty much picked 'em off one by one!! I HAVE met more than one in my field, and they work damned hard for little reward. It is however what they chose to do. No point in repeating my post other than that. (And I admire human rights lawyers like Julian Burnside QC. They actually don't like 'fighting with Government', but unlike perhaps yourself?, they actually do believe that Governments lie, and frequently abuse office.) No offence. (Or not much).
  22. A flag? This is the problem, the preoccupation with a piece of cloth (and yes I DO know what it represents). It is not acceptable to me to receive a flag in gratitude for the death of a son or husband. My father and his colleagues fought against nazism. He did it for his fellow men and not for a flag. I'm not into the flag burning thing, but there is way too much preoccupation with a 'flag'. Ultimately these decisions must be taken by Australians only. It was not acceptable to me as a non Australian to be able to vote on the Republic issue in '97?, yet I/we were able to! Republic/flag should be decided by naturalised Australians. I've no doubt the flag will change, but it's up to them. Got to correct this! I might not have been clear enough. It wasn't Koch, it was Carl Stefanovic on ...er, Today? She did, I assure you. It was even a discussion topic on one programme; the fallout I mean. Oh I say! How frightfully unkind. They are indeed. Generalizations. Lovely! Sensationalist 'propaganda' is just so well, sensationalist. (The whole of Australia? you mean even my friend Mahatma?)
  23. Apologizing? That has been officially done. It isn't apologizing; it's acknowledgement. I didn't say anything about apologizing.
  24. You know what Coventry? You can be very profound. -No. It does not represent ALL the people of Australia. -That's the rub. Be like us. That has little to do with diversity and multiculturalism. The FIFO thing is dimwitted and absurd in that it based on the 'be like us' scenario, when other cultures have been resident in Australia almost from inception (well if they were the right colour of course!). WHY is it so impossible to accept that the 'embrace of all cultures' is NOT 'Anglo based'! This is at the core of many of Australia's problems. I find it bizarre that one particular group is so hellbent in insisting that people from Europe/Asia who have been in Australia for generations should be like them, as if these different cultures were not Australian and had lesser right to be there! -......but there is another flag in Australia isn't there? I recall vividly the flack a world class indigenous athlete received when she proudly draped her cultural flag around her shoulders! You cannot have it both ways: If cultural diversity IS embraced, then accept ancestral flags! If you do not accept them, then you do NOT accept cultural diversity. And btw the Welsh/Scots/Irish all have their flags too. Try telling them to put them away and fly only the UJ. Gawd Awmitey! (The wiki entry is as good as the opinion of its author. But it is so lovely..)
  25. I reckon it's a malaise that is catching.... ..however, tbh I agree with what you said. The reputation lawyers have is well deserved. But not all. I was a community lawyer not a Perry Mason! Corporate lawyers will bill you for sneezing. They make their entire income from fees they charge.... Community lawyers are salaried. They are waged, and given the level of funding, they are paid less than those in retail etc. We were always looked down on by the Corporate cretins. But we were real lawyers-I'll thank you to note that. (I once attended a charity function put on by a top (and decent) corporate lawyer. They had paid to attend, so they had contributed to that charity hadn't they.......? They behaved like arrogant bloody animals! When the charity rep took the mic, he said: 'I would like to thank-you, but none of you are listening. I barely heard him. There were polishituns there as well. They were tanked! I left.) Learn the distinction. Don't class us with those arrogant idiots, even if you disagree with what I say.
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