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Everything posted by memmymooch

  1. Thanks for suggestion will have a look at those
  2. Hi Guys, Have been offered a job in Perth that will be split across Midland, Northbridge and Cannington locations. We are a 50's couple with 18 yrs daughter who will be attending Curtin Bently campus. I have stayed in Mandurah previously and we quite liked the area but feel that this might be too much of a commute as I will be working a number of shifts finishing at 11pm/midnight and not sure I want that long a drive at that time of night. Seeking suggestions for affordable suburbs (renting) 30-45 min commute or less. Currently I am about a 15 min drive from beaches, previously was 45 mins which was a bit far but would be happy with alternate water that could access for walks and if possible swim sometimes. Or in lieu of water nice nature walks. I dont have a strong north or south preference have not explored anywhere north. Is there anywhere with village feel centres coffee shops, resturants etc or that is not a thing there? Somewhere with some diversity would be good as daugher is mix race and she sadly has experienced horrendous racism here in our current predominately white QLD location. close to train links would also be good. in our down time we like to do the usual cinema, resturant, live music etc. I am super paranoid about fire so somewhere in hills or high fire risk might not be too great. Not sure if am chasing the impossible on a budget, ideally would like to not be paying above 500pw in rent for 2-3 bed house or unit, apartment not really practical as we have 3 cars and motorbike.
  3. We moved from Melbourne to Qld 5 years ago, currently based in Sunshine Coast but have been offered a job in Perth so will be heading west early next year. Compared to Melbourne weather I love Qld and its lack of a real winter, temps drop down a bit at night around July enough that we would put heating on but still great during the day. Sunny Coast is stunning with beaches, hinterland and pretty much water of some kind everywhere you go. Its more of a family place though very limited night life, my kids 18 and 22 often moan about this fact and my 18 yr old frequently travels to Brisbane which is about 60-90 mins drive away or around 2 hours by public transport dependant on where you are based. Public transport here is pretty woeful in terms of range and times of operation. Housing costs here are insane my eldest and his partner live with us as they are unable to get into the rental market, anything that would be of a reasonable price range to a young couple starting out has a zillion applicants, there are so many people living in tents and cars due to housing unaffordability. Brisbane I have seen some more reasonably priced options and Gold Coast as well but the whole of this region is in housing crisis. That said people apear to get rentals in the higher end range more easily so really depends on budget and/or how much in advance you can pay or offer above asking price. I def think is going to be a challenge though without a job as so many other employed applicants in competition with you. I've spent some time in Cairns and have family in Townsville both of those areas are much more affordable than the south. Qld has a wet and humid summer, the further north you go the wetter and more humid summer is. I believe from my research so far Perth is the opposite with their wet season happening predominatly accross winter. When I relocated from Melbourne I was able to obtain a rental sight unseen just going via pics - big mistake it was a dump but gave us somewhere to be moving to instead of the whole temp accomadation gig, I had a job offer in place though. Im noticing a big difference this time in trying to plan the move to Perth as most properties are requiring a in person viewing to make application. Given that we wil be moving in peak holiday season air bnb is $$$ so am looking at a relocation agent this time around.
  4. If you look at their format guidelines it gives you the exact wording that you need to use on your signed cv declaration. For Cpd I included a page within cv that listed everything had done so name of course or conference what format so e learning workshop etc and also how many hours in duration the learning had been. They accepted that fine without need to send copies of certificate. Good luck x
  5. you can apply to register with AHPRA as soon as you have your NMC pin, I am not sure how it works with ref think they accept from tutor but def you can do it as I am about to start a job with a bunch of recently qualified one who is waiting on her pin to make the application. Re IELTS if you can evidence via exam certs 5 years of education in English mix of school college uni then you will be exempt unless you are from a diff country, the ones the education rule applies are UK USA Canada and I thin South Africa also ​mem
  6. I really like Liverpool been there a few times and actually off there for couple of days from tomorrow taking kids to museums etc, love the centre with little arty statues here and there, most of my colleagues have chosen it for special occasion weekend hen parties 40th birthdays etc and we are easily 90 min journey away so that speaks for itself as worthwhile place to go
  7. Do you have to do IELTS for APHRA? If not you can do general one for your 8s, I took academic and just missed it got 7.5 on writing so used that one for ANMAC /APHRA and retook IELTS on general for DIAC so much easier got 9s. Everyone stresses about the test but the key is to learn the strategy and practise your timekeeping as the time for each section really flies when you are in tthere good luck mem
  8. Hi Mandi cant help with processing time at Adelaide Melbourne was 12 weeks for mine but usually Adelaide and Darwin quickest offices. IELTS is fine instead of school certs that's what I did You don't need to send copies of all your cpd stuff what I did was add a section at end of cv and listed by year all cpd taken for each thing I also listed number of hours or days and format if relevant eg e learning cv format I adapted my normal cv to include more detail on the employer and also nurse to patient ratio for community I put ccaseload the cv doesn't need to be certified you write the little declaration on it that is a true copy as of ..... And sign it exact wording is on cv guidelines good luck mem
  9. Cv doesn't need to be certified just needs signed declaration by yourself on it that is true copy as of specified date - exact wording is on the cv guidelines
  10. To be honest not worth starting registration process yet as once approved you are given 12 months to present in person to complete the process you need to have valid visa that allows work. There are people who request extension of 1 year period by a few weeks or months but if you are planning not to be there for almost 3 years that might be a bit tricky to pull off registration takes anything up to 6 months but some have had it in just a few weeks mem
  11. You need to put the date you contacted NMC for verification should be done around same time as sending application form
  12. Avish Kirstie's cv won't help you as a physio. she is a nurse physio registration totally different - you will need to sit exams to get registration. My husband is applying via New Zealand as they look at your compentancies like HPC does here - once approved you can then get trans Tasmanian recognition allowing you to register and practice in oz you avoid the exams this way and is quite a bit cheape as well
  13. I used a pro forma template for both my references which stated who I was employed by the date I started what my role involves etc and that was competent in nursing duties up to date etc my manager included i her ref that as she is not a nurse aseparate clinical ref was being provided I think that if your role is stated followed by the info that a nursing qualification was required and that you carry out community assessment etc it will cover it I run blood borne virus service so doing some similar things to you only totally nursey thing is vaccinations if you want me to pm you exact wording of my refs let me know:) mem
  14. Hi Shelz are there any other nurses that you work with maybe in partner agencies? I had a similar situation to yours I work for a national charity and we are split into regional projects with me being the only nurse in my project with non clinical manager I originally asked ANMAC what to do as needed refs for skill assessment and they advised that if there was anyone clinical like doc or medical director that would be ok in conjunction with managers ref or if that not possible then a very detailed ref from manager setting out all aspects of my role and explaining that there was no other clinical person to do ref within the project. I managed to get one of the nurses from a different region to support the ref from manager and even though she did not directly manage or work with me it went through ok and I used the same refs for my AHPRA application and they never queried it good luck mem
  15. Hi try n not stress I was asked to provide full course outline as additional info as my transcript was not detailed enough even tho it had been fine for skill assessment anyway it was the last thing needed and about a week after acknowledging they had received it got the e mail confirming eligibility for registration so hopefully will be like that for you too mem
  16. Hi Guys hoping someone might know the answer so just over 3 weeks ago posted everything off to ahpra after 2 weeks got an e mail acknowledging application and they took money from account a week later received further mail saying application had been received and assessed and please find details of outstanding requirements for my application which was transcript and proof of name change have sent what they asked for so am wondering does that mean once they receive them application will be finalised or will still have a long wait ? Also when you present in person with approval letter do you have to already have to have visa u can work on or could present in person whilst on a tourist visa? Am thinking would need work visa Mem
  17. Hi Jo you can do it in either order or simultaneously it all depend on your time frame skills assess will pretty much take the time they are quoting and then you need to apply state sponsorship if going that route which could be anywhere between 2 -4 weeks and then of course there is the whole EOI process registration can go through in 3-4 weeks if applying at a quiet office like Adelaide or Darwin once you have the registration approval you have a limited period of time 12 months I think to arrive in person at the office to activate it otherwises have to ask for extensions etc not sure how easy that is so it all really depends on your time frame of leaving UK. In terms of agencies and health boards most are happy to talk to you once registration application is in place but they will be looking at you coming over on 457 unless already have other visa in place you can do both though eg still enter on 457 whilst PR visa application going through mem
  18. I was sent a copy of mine it's around 5 pages lists all theory subjects grades achieved when in course taken and detailed breakdown of practice hours
  19. Trying to decide whether to take or re home cat any advice on whole process and approx cost appreciated know he will need rabies shots and blood tests etc but what else read something about getting shipping crate and using it as bed etc a while before and some kind of water dispenser and getting him used to that but that sounds tricky the only place he will sleep is sofa or daughters bed and he never drinks water apart from puddles every day put fresh water in his bowl and every day he ignores it so teaching him to drink from something else seems immpossible task thanks mem
  20. Trying to decide whether to take or re home cat any advice on whole process and approx cost appreciated know he will need rabies shots and blood tests etc but what else read something about getting shipping crate and using it as bed etc a while before and some kind of water dispenser and getting him used to that but that sounds tricky the only place he will sleep is sofa or daughters bed and he never drinks water apart from puddles every day put fresh water in his bowl and every day he ignores it so teaching him to drink from something else seems immpossible task thanks mem
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