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Everything posted by Jit7

  1. I'm sure you'll get a CO this week.....you have to!?!?!?!?!?!?!
  2. Sol2Oz - any news yet?
  3. Hopefully I read correctly this time - so congrats on getting a CO I hope you are able to meet the CO's request. Is there any way that you can contact your CO and explain the situation?
  4. OMG - that's amazing. Congratulations!! You must be over the moon What are your plans now?
  5. Brill another December applicant with CO Congrats!
  6. Oops I obviously got over excited!!! LOL Waking up this morning to a grant and a CO for other PIO'ers made me read your post in the same way - I'm sure you won't have to wait very long now :embarrassed:
  7. That's great Jen - congratulations!
  8. Congratulations oppyddrum, vickey1 and heidim. You're next sol2oz
  9. Just been looking at the google doc - november is looking close to finishing now. Am i mistaken or did thegig5 get a case officer this week? It's been a crazy week so hard to keep up. I think we should start seeing early december applicants next week. I wonder if those that grants this week are busy spreading the good news and more importantly booking flights. How exciting!
  10. Have you heard anything yet sol2oz?
  11. Yay at last! Thats fab. So now just meds and pcc.
  12. Congratulations! The wait is over .... and you win lol. Have you told your OH yet?
  13. Congratulations! Good luck for meds tomorrow. Come on sol2oz, camilla222 and oppyddrum. It's got to be you guys tomorrow. Or at the latest on Monday
  14. What a day! Congratulations to everyone that got a grant today!!! So pleased for you all - you made it through. Now the hardest part is over you can put all your effort into moving across and "living the dream" Good luck to you and good luck to the rest of us still waiting
  15. Congratulations
  16. Congratulations James! I hope you get everything sorted in the next few weeks. Good luck for your move over to Brisbane
  17. I would go tomorrow if I could :cute: But being realistic, I think we would need 3-6 months to sort everything out in the UK and say our goodbyes after we get the visa. Plus it depends on whether we can get jobs from here (husband to get a transfer) or whether we have to find jobs in Oz for ourselves. I think I will book meds though in May just so that I feel like I'm doing something
  18. It is tempting, which is why I asked my agent. But my application wasn't lodged until December so may be jumping the gun a little. I think I might wait until I start seeing some activity in December to book meds. I have the PCC forms printed which I will make sure is ready to send again in line with seeing some movement. Everytime you or Camilla222 post on this thread my heart jumps as I think you've had some good news!
  19. I wonder if that makes a difference? I asked my agent last week whether its worth doing, but she still advises to wait because of its validity. It would be interesting if you got a direct grant if you front loaded these docs instead of waiting for a CO first.
  20. So a very quiet week but we had one of these a few weeks ago. Hopefully this coming week we see more CO's and grants. I am hoping the 4 from November (sol2oz, camilla222, thegig5 and oppyddrum) get some good news. Seems like the stress of it all has been getting to some people, but we will get there. We've all waited this long so just a little further and we'll be starting our new lives in oz. Good luck to eveyone playing the waiting game for this week :wink:
  21. Congratulations.Thats great news
  22. I hope not. I wish they work in order of date just so we know what to expect. DIAC certainly like to keep us on our toes. Still got my fingers crossed for you
  23. No way!!!! That's ridiculous. That's great for me as it brings me closer to getting a CO, but what about all the guys from mid-November? What's going on? I'm getting really excited - time for me to start booking meds and getting the police check form ready to send.
  24. Congratulations! That's just fantastic!
  25. Claire101 have you been contacted by any chance??
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