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Everything posted by annagilda

  1. If you are so right about everything, then you don't need our advice. Also, please bear in mind that you aren't in charge of immigration, so in effect your last comment is irrelevant. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Get a decent qualification in something that Australia needs and then apply for the appropriate Visa. It is very simple, but until you comprehend this information, there is no way we can help you. Sorry.
  2. Boom! Wondered how long it would be until you were back. Thanks for the constant LOLs!
  3. I was thinking Tasmania, and high up! Thank you. Xx
  4. OH MY GOD! I've never seen anything like this! North Devon has just been completely trashed today! Entire villages almost wiped out 2 of our major towns currently being evacuated. While our house is pretty much safe, the farm has pretty much been trashed. My best friend has just seen her village disappear. We are on Air all night and all day, live as long as it takes. Absolutely gutted and I'm fairly well off compared to many. I think it's time to step my my emigration plans.
  5. I went on Holiday backpacking for a few months. I never had any intention of moving there in the slightest, just wanted to have a look around because the place interested me and I wanted to visit some friends. Now I'm working on moving there, so yeah, I totally fell in love with the place! Good luck, whatever you decide. X
  6. Just posting so I have easy access to thread, this is a visa I am seriously considering in the not too distant future so many thanks for all of the info. :-)
  7. Not so much, physical offerings, but when I was going through some tough times last year with the loss of someone and ten moving to Uni (within a day) and then struggling, the help, advice and support on here was just incredible. People where just outstanding and without the wonderful posts/pm's and advice I would have absolutely dropped out of Uni. I'm so glad I didn't. It's so much better now, but without PIO I wouldn't have stuck around to find out. Xx
  8. Oh BC, I know the site is a little different at the moment, but these things happen. some of us will always stick around lol! I know that when I was living in the caravan a couple of years ago, life was really tough. Especially going into the winter. I found it really stressful! I can empathise. How long until you get into a house? I also find that when I am too busy for my hobbies, I get a bit down. I have to make time otherwise I go mad! I know I don't always follow my own advice, due to being rushed off my feet! What are your plans at the moment? I'm sorry I've missed some of your news. I haven't been keeping up to date with PIO as much as I should. Are you still planning on doing your nursing? Xx
  9. Blue myself! Not found the driving a problem, but I haven't left yet, so It's always been normal. In fact, we live down the end of a lane. :-) How are you finding it being home?
  10. I don't know if you guys have heard of it, but we are being taught to use something called Pebblepad at University for our CPD. It might not help you for your previous stuff, but it is an online recourse where, you upload everything as and when you do it and then you just print the whole lot off whenever you need it. I might be telling you stuff that you already know, and I'm sorry if I am. However, I am finding it a really good way of making sure everything is all up to date. If someone like me is just starting out, then it might be worth a look. X
  11. Cool! Grown up near Bideford my whole life. Use to go down Westward Ho! In the summer as a kid, my aunt had a beach hut. Lush chips down near the arcade too. Was in Bideford yesterday. Lol!
  12. Off topic i know, but I have to ask. Are you anywhere near Westward Ho!?
  13. Fantastic news! Congratulations! That's awesome. Xxx
  14. The Pension crisis, Regional NHS Pay, Not being able to afford a house where I grew up. Being cramped, etc... (But yeah, the pension crisis has made me think much more about my future than before.) Although, I'm only 23.
  15. Just a small suggestion? Do with it what you will. I'm thinking we ought to just ignore Jackrew if we can. We don't appear to be helping him out at all, well, he seems incapable of helping himself, and we just seem to be going around in circles. Maybe he will only learn that we have had enough if we just completely ignore him.
  16. Hiya Tickled Pink. Yes I went through some tough times last year and it was very difficult. I stuck at it, in part down to the awesome advice I had from you guys and the kind words. I passed with relatively decent marks. They were actually fairly good! I'm now onto the Podiatry degree which is what I have wanted to do for the last 2-3 years and so far I absolutely love it! Thanks for asking, I am eternally grateful to you guys here on PIO and I know if things get a bit hairy again, I can always talk to you. X
  17. Haha! Yeah, hence why I'm not in The Netherlands. Got kicked out for bringing the national average down! Naah, just a couple of medical conditions which meant I never grew very tall. The rest of my family are totally lanky mind!
  18. So now you are willing to potentially break the law to get into Australia. Good luck! I am going to have to bow out of giving you advice. I genuinely hope you get yourself sorted and get what you want, but I worry you may not. Incidentally: You have still neglected to answer my genuine question about what is happening with your sponsorship that you mentioned a few days ago. I honestly can not help you any further and if you continue to alienate the good people of this site, you won't get anywhere. Again, good luck. As I have said before you are going to need it. Best regards. Anna.
  19. Yeah, you are right. You are not allowed to look for/engage in work/sponsorship while on a tourist visa.
  20. What happened to your sponsorship in customer services from a few days ago Jack? Not trying to be funny, I'm genuinely interested.
  21. Hey! I can't really help you too much, I am still at the beginning of it all too! Just wanted to say welcome and I know that the guys will be along soon enough to offer advice. X
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