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Everything posted by shaunkaren

  1. Agree with the above but you missed one category as follows 5. Poms in Australia who love it so much that they pretend its bad to keep it all to themselves!!!:wink:
  2. Don't bank on it - I had a lovely surprise from a Huntsman the size of a man's hand in Pakenham. They are out there and that one scared the life out of me as it was in a work car - I wasn't driving but have had a memory blank for work that day!! Working in community mental health didn't help - my clients were supporting me that day lol!!

    <p>Hi Ian</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Glad you have made it over here now and Claire will be with you soon. Our address is 129 Viewgrand Drive Berwick. Phone 03 9702 1184 - if you need anything then give us a call!</p>

    <p> </p>




    <p>Hi Maz</p>

    <p>Really sorry to read your post about Alan(?), I think that was his name. I didn't realise you were divorced from his Dad, life can be so complicated can't it? Have you managed to sit him down and talk to him? Maybe you could agree that he went back for a holiday and then he will (hopefully) see that the grass is not necessarily greener. I know it is a risk that he may not come back, but preventing him from doing so may just cause even more grief for you.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Have you spoken to the school about how he is feeling? Maybe something is going on there which is stopping him from settling in? Has he joined any clubs/societies since we saw you last? If you need to chat then my number is 0397021184 or mobile is 0457065832.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p> We finally ended up in Berwick!We looked at renting in Werribee and Shaun travelling to and fro and then thought we would have a look in the Cranbourne/Berwick areas and loved it at first sight.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Anyway take care </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Love Karen xxx</p>



    <p>Hi Maz</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>We have landed and are heading down to Werribee today. Hopefully we will be in touch soon, my mobile is (uk) 07810883294 just in case I can't find yours due to lack of internet access. I would love to get together and have a chat, felt totally numb last night and woke up with my brain spinning with all the things I need to do!</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>As for where we will settle, who knows!! Time will tell and I am pretty chilled that what wil be, will be.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Anyway need to catch up with all emails before we lose access!!</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Love Karen x</p>


  6. <p>We move out of here on Saturday and then go visiting rellies until we leave. I have decided to chill a bit re schools and wait and see what happens with regards to Shaun's job. If they have extended holidays then so be it - am I bothered??? Actually after 6 weeks together I probably will be LOL!!!!</p>


    <p>It is ok on the lilos - they are double thickness (we don't slum when camping in this house!!!). When my head hits the pillow I am so exhausted I don't think I have noticed - Shaun almost fell out of bed as he was expecting his feet to hit the ground later than they did one morning, it was quite amusing to watch him flounder around falling 3 inches (between you and me!!).</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Only four more nights and then sleeping in comfy beds until we leave....</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Take care</p>

    <p>I have replied to your FB message, so some duplication may be occurring in the conversation.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Karen x</p>



    <p>Hi Carole </p>

    <p>Looked for you on FB but found 4 Carole Evans. MY FB email is <a href="mailto:karen_facebook@many-monkeys.com" rel="">karen_facebook@many-monkeys.com</a></p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Lilos are ok, but novelty wearing thin especially as I was ill last night. All the stress is catching up I have been ill twice in as many weeks. hope you are keeping well.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Karen x</p>



    <p>Hi Carole</p>

    <p>Message on behalf of Shaun, what kind of CV did your husband write up? He is in process of preparing his and is not sure what to include/what length it should be. Any tips gratefully received!!</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Karen x</p>



    <p>Hi Carole</p>

    <p>Long time no catch up - been a bit busy!! The container went today and I am finally getting excited! I saw you were looking at a company to ship your household out to Melbourne. From the last few days experience I can strongly recommend Crown, they have their own bonded warehouse in Melbourne and you are shipped Crown to Crown. The guys who have just packed us up were brilliant - Shaun will be posting a video on Youtube to show how they pack as much in to the container as they can!! One of the removal guys got stuck behind a mattress and had to climb over boxes to get out so they could squeeze in all our stuff. We were with the Birmingham office so not sure who would be your nearest, but give them a call and see, they came in a couple of hundred over some of the others, but because they have the warehouse you don't have extra storage charges with customs if delayed.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Good luck and take care</p>

    <p>Karen x</p>



    <p>Hi Kate</p>

    <p>Skype already set up with my parents adn we talked whilst in Melbourne at easter. OH parents not set up and will prompt Shaun to put in the offer of sorting them out when we visit just before Xmas. Will be in touch soon as things start to fall into place. Thanks for the hugs, spent an hour or two crying last night, coupled with excitement and butterflies in stomach - mixed emotions indeed!!!</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Karen x</p>



    <p>Started a reply and then it got lost!! Yes I know Caxton! Whereabouts are you in Oz? We are hoping to go to Melbourne once the house is sold. We got the visas in July and currently feel like we are in limbo. mind you I have only just taken my finals for my degree 10 days ago so not exactly ready to rumble yet!! </p>

    <p>Keep in touch</p>



  13. <p>Now you have me wondering why????</p>

  14. <p>Cambourne in Cambridge!!</p>

  15. <p>Damn caught me again!!!! Brain is acheing from four hours on Cognitive Neuropsychology yesterday - brain damage and weird behaviours!!! That will be me in 6 days LOL!!!!</p>

  16. <p>Hi Both children are keen to chat with Jack, have sent a friend request so hopefully they can pm through that or via email whichever is easier. Kind Regards Karen, Shaun, Chris and Sally</p>

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