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Everything posted by mickyb

  1. can't recall you ever starting a thread about Muslim pharmacists imposing their beliefs on others .and probably best I don't hold my breath .
  2. Read two books and watched the film , 19 years is a terrible loss . Even though he did nearly kill the woman who fought for his release .
  3. I wonder how many professional/ career women have terminated pregnancies for their own gain . Difference is they didn't publicise it and the papers took no interest . The woman's obviously got psychological/ self esteem issues greatly advanced by drivel TV ,magazines and the hoards that watch or read it Personally , abortion should be a choice but not a fad or form of contraception . I've seen twins of 24 weeks fighting for life . Sadly one lost .
  4. It was a terrible accident . Tragic but he tucked his head under and it all went wrong . He was trying to twist and land on his front . No amount of rule changes short of non contact will prevent something like this happening again. Boxing's not safe , it's safer than it was . there are terrible accidents and tragedies in most sports . I wish him all the best in his recovery and hope McLean comes to terms with it .
  5. Listening to radio 4 's More or Less show and they study media reports / news paper / politician claims . Armed police were called out on response or on planned operations 17,000 times in London in the last 4 years . Those actions resulted in one death in that time period , mark duggans . If you compare the USA figures of police shootings in the same time period it's 16,000 . Even taking into consideration the US population times London's that's still only 40 or 50 . That gives me complete faith in the armed police and their decision making .
  6. southern capitalist sophistication mate , I'll leave the cup of beans to you raggardy trousered northerners !is that right for a special treat you put a sausage in it and call it a ' savoury 99 ' ? :-)
  7. Dibella or Nelli cappuccinos . Used to love costa in the uk but now find it very poor compared to aus coffee shops .
  8. mickyb

    Benefits Street

    The sort of pure genius type salesman that sits in old ladies houses till they spend £7000 on a stairlift or roof repairs that don't need doing . It's not sales it's conning .
  9. It's a grim old road. ! We used to go from Ambleside to wast water along it then sleep in the van near wasdale head after going up great end and scafell . Fantastic pics , really miss the lakes . Only managed to get to mid wales this time round .
  10. mickyb

    Benefits Street

    Working class life ? Sorry mate , I was mixed up with some thing else on TV .
  11. mickyb

    Benefits Street

    do you think they could of drawn many or any positives from the show. ?
  12. mickyb

    Benefits Street

    How many streets do you need for one show? They're all over the place. I've been in plenty like that . Northampton , Bletchley , Milton Keynes , Bedford , nice little villages with council social housing tucked away behind . A lot of people don't realise they exist.
  13. Is that hardknott pass you're parked up on kev ?
  14. Some serious misunderstandings of what it takes to operate and maintain a business that rents out 1000 homes . That's anywhere up from £100, 000,000 of assets . If they go through letting agents they will use smaller trades people . If they have their own management company that's jobs created . There's a lot of accounting to do . Even if larger companies were used ( which I doubt ) they still have to employ trades people . From experience I'd also say that the homes would be well maintained or upgraded to balance profit / tax . do the people who find it distressing think it would be better if the homes were owned by the council and let straight to foreigners after kicking out the indigenous unemployed ? I also doubt if the properties are mortgage free .at some time they've been bought by someone who wanted or needed to sell when no one else would buy . And if the rents are market prices it's Win Win , surely ?
  15. Seems a little unfair to the tenants who are genuinely unemployed . And I must admit I'm a little surprised at the poster who previously has spoken out for the unemployed as a right wing press victimised / discriminated / hate / blame target group . i would have thought that a simple ' working people preferred ' would suffice without mentioning nationality . ive just got my first English tenant in 5 years , working, naturally . I've got polish tenants in other properties always been good as gold .id never rent to unemployed , more wear and tear because they're home longer . as for saving money , these people will have to live somewhere else at the taxpayers expense
  16. From memory , and I may be mistaken , the passports were offered to anyone with grandparents who could claim dual nationality and the cut off was a while back with a mad rush at the finish line . Selling passports isn't a bad money raiser for any goverment but it would seem daft to bleed any country of its wealth either in skills or cash .
  17. What I find a little odd is that one man can own 22 houses and be causing overcrowding in cities , yet thousands (??) can head to the cities ( hazarding a guess , as is the fashion ) and no problems ?! I saw an article with the heat cameras picking out garden sheds and other inadequate shanty housing . Where are these people going to live ? Loadsaroom !
  18. Passed 4 ' encampments ' yesterday . These people are working , anyone who thinks we can sustain this kind of immigration needs to use some kind of lubricant . They won't get their head out of their arse without it. .
  19. A lot of sense and facts peccavi . Why were there no protests as much in the Balkans , was that strategic or just the fact it was part of Europe ? No terrorist attacks from Serbs in London or US from orthodox Christians , no flocking to join the fight against the great satan . Like I've asked before what makes intervention ok against some tyrants but not others .
  20. Funny that you didn't ask that question on the animal rights. , stop this now thread . Id say the post was quite obvious. , unless you're ideologically challenged. , for want of a better description . I'll spell it out again , bearing in mind you never managed to answer the same question a couple of years ago . I replied , specifically to a thread by 'joe strummer' . Asylum seekers , refugees , displaced people , call them what you will . The product of **** governments , tyrants , civil war , religious war and terror .my point is some people say how bad it is and we should take them . But so often is the case that the very same people loathe to see any intervention claiming some kind of imperial western aggression . Before you get too excited I'm not suggesting that the two scum bags were asylum seekers or refugees nor were that I know of the other terrorists on british soil ( May be their mentors though ) so the link is interfering in foreign countries ,and refugees . Is the situation that bad that we should intervene , or not so bad that refugee status isn't warranted ?
  21. People can't have it both ways though. On one hand we hear terrible stories and people saying we should take more asylum seekers , the other hand stay out and don't interfere, it's a cultural thing . I don't doubt the dubious nature of foreign policy of the uk and America sometimes but one of the two murderers spoke at a rally calling for western intervention in Syria . Look at how Libya turned out. . Seems they want help to achieve their goals then want us out straight away to embark on sectarian blood letting .
  22. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/columnists/article-2527387/STEPHEN-GLOVER-As-Lee-Rigbys-killers-jailed-confirmed-Blairs-government-complicit-torture-Should-surprised-young-Muslims-hate-West.html Guess that flies in the face of the daily mail haters . Certain people bend over backwards to point out the English or Britishness of some of these terrorists , then use words like their countries . Joe strummer , their countries or foreign countries ? What a mess labour got us into . And how much oil is in Afghanistan ? If it' is their countries then no problem with the rest of us calling for deportation . Oh no , we're not bombing Nigeria are we . That would be the other lot .
  23. if the throat cutting bothers you check out the RSPCA website . Most of the meat we now eat is stunned first but halal . And special licences granted for halal specific dealers . In Australia . Plenty to protest about for the genuine animal lover before you even get to a boat .
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