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Everything posted by StevieF8

  1. http://www.gymbaroo.com.au/ These have classes all over Perth on various days
  2. I posted them....the ones I could think of...read back
  3. Unlike you, I don't need to lie to prove my point...here is a link, unedited, UK voter turnout in 2010 election 65.1% http://www.ukpolitical.info/Turnout45.htm So, post the 61% link......not a copy/pasted text...the actual link
  4. Well it was invalid, we never got a Government.... But everyone was happy to go out on strike? Cba voting, but still take the day off...hypocritical.
  5. Civil Servants, Teachers, Border Staff, TfL, university lecturers, BA cabin crew, BBC journalists have all been out on strike in the past few years...that's just off the top of my head, I'm sure there are many more....I'm pretty certain it was PCS on strike on Budget day, but it may have been one of the others.
  6. No, but it would still be 100%......they should make it mandatory for a strike vote to be valid 66% of members should vote Don't know why you would bother paying your fees if you don't bother voting on something that directly affects you.
  7. In the last few years, it seems that way....
  8. http://www.ukpolitical.info/Turnout45.htm There should be a limit for a vote to be valid....if 1 person voted for a strike, they would have 100% backing...is that valid?
  9. No, the point is public sector workers may well be suffering, but not as bad as private sector workers. But who makes the most noise about it and goes out on strike at the drop of a hat.
  10. About 65% voted in the last election...2/3 seem like a valid turnout 20% turnout is not valid and should be stopped
  11. You wrote in quote, but re the 11% figure from PCS 20% of the Public and Commercial Services members voted 57% backed strike action So that's where the 11% of PCS members voting for strike action came from......and that is a disgrace.
  12. No, what bothers me is when public sector works say they are being attacked, without reference to what is going on in the private sector. Easy to look like the victim if you only tell one side of the story
  13. Then the other side if the story.... November 2011: The Office for National Statistics said the average public sector worker, who works full-time, is paid an annual salary of £28,802. By comparison, the average full-time worker in the private sector receives a salary of only £25,000, a gap of £3,802. The majority of private sector workers do not get a pension from their boss. If they do have a pension, the average pension pot they will have built up is only £26,000, which is equal to a retirement income of around £1,400 a year. The average annual pension in the public sector is worth £7,841, according to a report, commissioned by the Government and produced by former Labour minister Lord Hutton. http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-2065569/Average-public-sector-salary-3-800-year-time-average-private-sector.html
  14. You don't pay membership fees to vote in a General Election Funny how few people pay their union fees yet don't bother voting, when the issue at hand is usually the reason you are paying fees anyway...but then they all go out on strike 11% of members calling for a strike is a disgrace and you know it Pabs. If you was on site with 10 workers and 1 of the lads said lets all go on strike, you'd say he was a nutter.... but extrapolate that out to a few thousand voting for a strike out of hundreds of thousands and you're happy to accept it. Meanwhile, these Union leaders who are so concerned for the 'working man' are dragging them out on strike causing them to lose pay, while they sit there collecting 6-figure salaries How many unions have lowered their fees to help out their members? How many union leaders got massive pay rises last year? NUT Leader, +£13,000, TUC Leader +£17,000....did they turn that down and said lower the membership fees instead.... Out for workers? Out for themselves more like.
  15. I wonder if they have cut their membership fees....to help the 'working man' in austerity Britain?
  16. I always think if PB as a cartoon character, a different story every week and no continuity.
  17. So you won't be joining the strike action, unless you take a days holiday from work....you'll still get paid.
  18. Unite and Unison are calling for it... http://www.londonlovesbusiness.com/britains-top-unions-back-general-strike/5155.article Even combined, the Unions represent the minority of workers in the country....
  19. If they had decent voting figures then I could understand it....but they just hold the country to ransom with the minority of the minority voting for action. They should change the law and at least 80% of members should have to take part in the vote before a strike can be called...why even be a union member if you don't vote???? This was last year: Public and Commercial Services Union planned industrial action the day before the Olympic Games began. About 20% of PCS members took part in a ballot, with the union saying 57% of votes cast backed industrial action. This meant that approximately 11% of union members actively supported the action. How can you go on strike with only 11% backing....disgrace....he should have stepped down after this debacle.
  20. If the last inept Government did spend money it didn't have and at a level never before seen in this country, there wouldn't be the need for these cuts.....sooner or later you have to pay your debts. The PCS are a disgrace and have no right to be calling for a General Strike....Serwotka should step down.
  21. Mark Serwotka confirms to Sky News that the PCS and other Unions are planning a General Strike in the UK. So as usual the minority are planning to bring the Country to a halt....you can tell the Conservatives are in Government....it's about time the power to call for this kind of action was stripped from Trade Unions
  22. So if they run a study...whoever decides to do it/fund it....and for example, they find some sort of link like, people over the age of 25 who have never worked are 80% more likely to commit crime... Don't you think that would be something for people at the DWP to address and try to fix before it could become an issue, maybe put people on training courses, apprenticeships, work placements.....then look at the impact on these actions and those that still go on to commit crime?
  23. At the meeting, Thursday to Saturday, two died, in the GN itself, none were killed/had to be destroyed....which is excellent news for the track and racing in general
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