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Blue Flu

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  1. Probably last post ,but thought a fitting end to a somewhat turbulent time on this forum. If at all allowed to be posted of course. Another sound reason to sever ties. The Australian dream has been in decline since the eighties. This forum clearly outlines our more recent failings and cover up's. But Australia is the global outliner in the mal Distibution of gains from economic growth in comparison to Europe, UK USA and even China. We are in regression on steroids. We have foreign money from undeclared sources mostly Chinese hovouring up our real estate. Organised crime setting getting ever more entrenched and influential, a drug problem out of all proportion in scope and impact on all levels of society, corruption that really needs to be tackled, vested interests calling the shots, a press/media too controlled . Less freedom than a number of countries(anyone else find UK more at ease on matters of critique?)and a very secretive country to boot. Our location in the world, and policy changes over this century is highly suggestive to the reasoning of rapid change on many fronts with how our society has and will change. We are increasingly blighted by money and greed and ever declining scruples. This obviously impacts society with each for themselves creating ever more fragmentation within 'society' making for a less caring and self absorbed country. Obviously could say more, but largely falling on tin ears I suspect so why bother? Hopefully aspects will force change for the better and we return to becoming a 'more normal' country again , where the betterment of all is the prime focus and not the enrichment of a few and vast wealth for ever fewer. Over and out.
  2. A good Australian? You mean in contrast to a bad Australian? An indifferent Australian? Begs the obvious question your criteria on this point.? .
  3. Germany had top quality YHA back in the day. Only thing was you had to be out all day . German camp grounds found excellent. Another even better place is Norway where can free camp. Are YHA's popular still today? No idea. German railway stations were popular places to spend the night, if not bothered getting bothered by heroin addicts and the like. Whole sections of 'lost' German youth of the time tendered to end up in railway stations. Hitch hiking was massive at the time as well. Something else that has gone the way of the dodo.
  4. They're so last century.
  5. The internet has distorted travel and complicated the experience in many ways. People can read commentary now and have opinions influenced before setting foot in a place. Less need to communicate with others. Be that travellers or indeed locals . Increasingly people I know in Europe, possess a van. All find that as a cheaper option to paying for a hotel or bed and breakfast. Most all those people are hardly on low incomes, but find travel costs simply too inhibitive.
  6. I thought I'd give you the curtesy of replying to the post you responded to mine. Yes Euro rail travel was big back in that era. I know/knew Norfolk rather well in the past. It has a large retired population . I was thinking Cromer or Sheringham could be ideal places to meet like minded places, on the coast with easy access to Norwich, one of the better English cities. But Cyprus, that's a place I've been looking at, only been there once, but keep in mind Northern Cyprus. It is cheaper than the main part, with loads of English retirees decamped there. You could get a cheapish flight from UK to Cyprus and book into a B & B or take a room in a house . There are a number of activities aimed at the Brits retired there and you can get an idea online as what it offers. Have no knowledge of Gloucestershire or Czech Republic but both easily doable. So much more to do in that part of the world. Travel can seem more difficult as we get older. For me, it is the increasingly inability not to be spontaneous. Having to prebook so much in fear of missing out or paying too much in season.
  7. Others got me banned. Only on here for today as spotted by chance a mention of myself (obviously in glowing terms) Not a pet subject, but a very hard reality. I would say our democracy is in danger. But not matter too many with other interests, not equating mine on this forum , so will disappear again. Not rambling I can tell you. But anyway I do not discuss the real issues on a a forum as this. I'm out.
  8. Well I do like to make people's day. Lucky for you, and the attention you received (that's quite ok) that only by chance did I take a look at Poms in OZ today, to find me still being discussed , with such loving sentiment. I know they say absence and the heart grow fonder and all that, Certainly appears so on this platform. Never in a million years........
  9. In time perhaps if you carry on the way you do, and obviously no reason to expect otherwise, Bendigo will build a statue of you out of paper Mache in the town square. There a certain section of the population may pay homage to you, until bored, then dismantle it with ease and transport it to the local tip.
  10. Gosh the use of the word unsophisticated is really going to provoke the ire of a few of The chavs on this forum. I guess something akin to pulling the sheet some hide under, lights off, curtains drawn, darkened windows, and exposing them to the daylight of their existence. Did WC Fields really say that? No wonder their memory lingers on in the public consciousness. What a corker.
  11. So unbecoming even for someone from Ben. . Tais toi?. You must use vous when addressing your betters. but alas etiquette not likely your thing, displayed to date. No confusion here Ben. The light flickers very brightly indeed.
  12. Yep. I know what you mean. Hillbilies, though exist in America. In OZ they are called Bogans. Tasmania was crowned having the most Bogan town in OZ. Don't recall the name. But there are a lot of English chav's in Australia I find. Tread with caution believing too much said. (too many not top drawer) AS for tours in UK, have you thought about Rail? A Brit Pass is cheaper when retired and allows you the freedom to use the entire network at will. I'd suggest take a look at Norfolk , but obviously have no idea of your particular interests. I do think that UK has certain advantages over Australia in the age. The closeness of things and places, better walking ways, cheaper travel and greater possibilities to get by car free. More elderly people and generally more talkative.
  13. Why shouldn't the poster say it how she finds it?? That's the problem in part with this forum, opposing narratives are not tolerated, or provoke ire. You are entitled to be what ever you may feel about it. Just as the OP. IQ's below 50? No idea, but some of the commentary I read on here, I would say the likelihood on not quite made the scale of measurement at this stage. But please, don't give up, when down the only way is up. Now as for two heads, I hadn't noticed that. But at a guess think probably not. But I'll retain constructive ambiguity on that one.
  14. Or perhaps you could resist in attempting at being smart and address the issues the poster raises? So meaningful conversation is something to be 'poked fun' at is it? No wonder the poster needs to confirm themselves as Not A Hill Billy as their name. Must be harder than expected to come up for air, let alone inspiration living where they do.
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