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How do you decide?


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i just wondered how people decided where to move to in oz. Every day me and my husband change our mind and can't settled on one place. Is it better to go where you have friends for some support or go it alone. We have friends in Melbourne and Canberra which would help but really want to be some where warm all the time. Had settled on Townsville or around there but someone said it wasn't that great. Is it a case of just putting a pin in the map and going from there?

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It's a tricky one. The decision was easy for us as we backpacked all round Oz years ago so got to see much of the country.


It was always a "two horse" race for us - Brisbane or Perth. After research and speaking to family in Oz, we have decided it is Perth for us. We lived in Sydney many years ago and loved it. We lived at Darling Harbour, so could walk to the CBD each day which was brilliant, but TBH we could not afford to have that lifestyle now.


Is it possible for you to make a "short list" of places that you like and take a holiday over there visit those places. Oz is a huge continent and I personally think the cities are very different to eachother as is the weather in each state. If that is not possible, I would just advise reading everything you can find out on the web and join the various forums that exist for each of the states and canvass people's opinions.


If you are after all round heat and sunshine, but don't mind the rain, then Queensland or the Northern Territory. If you prefer to have the seasons, then Melbourne or Adelaide. If you are happy to have good summers and relatively cooler winters, then I would say either Sydney or Perth (Sydney can have a heavy rainfall during the winter months).


Good Luck.

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For me, it was the type of visa I applied for. I originally applied for a family sponsored visa (who are Sydney based), but that was taking between 5-10 years to process (which for me was far too long!).


In my opinion you can't underestimate the value of having friends and family close by when you're first setting up and finding out 'the lie of the land'. I guess you have to reflect on what made you decide to emmigrate in the first place and what you value the most.


Best of luck with the search for your new home!

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Hi there, will depend for a start whether its pr or a sponsored visa. I wrote a post a while back in chewing the fat. Job first and then chose where to live is my advice. I have seen a lot of posts which say `I found a great place to live, only problem is there is no work for my husband close so he comutes 4 hours each way, life is bad etc`. There is life outside of living in a busy city, and you can allways change jobs and location later, but I think its best to find the job, look for a rental without a comute and it will ease you into life here. Good luck with the move.

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