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Anyone moving to Brisbane around end of summer 2013?


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Hi all,


Just wondering if there's anyone on here with their sites on moving to Brisbane towards the end of next summer? My hubby 2 kids (little girl 1 and little boy 3) are hoping to go around that time. Would be nice to get to know others who are going through the same process.


Javi xx

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Hi Javi


Good to hear from someone else in a similar position to us. We're looking at moving to Brisbane/Sunshine Coast around the same time (Summer 2013). Just going through the motions of researching everything, although there is so much to learn! I'm really apprehensive,although very excited. My husband was born in Adelaide, his family left Australia when he was about 2 years old; he went back for 18 months when he was in his late teens, and loved it. We met 19 years ago, married for 17 of them and through our married life to date, moving to Australia is a constant hot topic for discussion in our house. About 6 months ago, we decided that we are going to do it, be brave and make the move! We have two daughters, 5 and 13 years. Our eldest daughter is all for it, but I haven't told our youngest yet as I'm scared she will say something to my parents, who I have also yet to tell! I am very close to my parents, as are my husband and daughters. I am dreading telling them - it will be their worst nightmare coming true. Have you told your family and friends yet? If so, how did you go about telling them?

Have you decided which parts of Brisbane you are interested in settling in? I'm finding it hard getting perspective on all the different areas. My wants from an area are - good schools, local shopping areas, beaches, work opportunities, good residential areas to suit family living etc - pretty much what anyone would desire from uprooting your family to the other side of the world!


I think I'm a fairly open minded person, with a desire to see and do as much as I can before its too late. I would rather look back on life when I'm old a grey and think of the adventures and risks I took, rather than have a life of regrets, and if onlys! I've recently lost a friend and two distant relatives; all who passed away before their time through ill health etc, and when this happens to you, life is put into a different perspective; well it did for me. Experiencing these losses probably gave me the push to do it. I've always wanted to, but it is the thought of leaving my parents which has stopped me in the past. Although I know they will come and stay with us.


Apologies, I'm probably depressing you now with my deep thinking! How are you getting on with your research etc?


Keep in touch



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Hi folks,


We should be getting there by April 2013 (fingers crossed)

We've chosen our agent, all the paperwork has been completed & we are in the process of booking the ielts exam!!!

After lots of research and due to the fact that we have friends there, Cleveland is our chosen Suburb. It seems to tick all the right boxes with regards location, schooling and house prices.

Simply can't wait to get there now, we are excited every day!!!


Good luck, Si,Ange,Ben & Abs.

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Hi guys!!


Sam, totally get where you're coming from. As cliche as it sounds, life really is short and if there's something you want to try you should Just go for it, no regrets and all of that!! No we haven't told family yet. Think it's going to be really tough especially as we live close to my hubbies parents and they adore the kids. It's really hard and we're totally dreading it too.


Our kids are young so feel it's a good time to give it a go as schooling/friendships etc won't be too much of an issue. It is daunting though but extremely exciting too, we seem to talk Oz everyday and have to pull ourselves back to the present. There's so much to plan and research though, so it's constantly on the back of your mind.


We're thinking maybe ashgrove or Bardon based on schools/housing etc. we're going for a reccie in oct so hopefully will get a better feel for things then.


Have you guyz been to Brisbane before? My husband and I lived out in Sydney for a year but never actually went to Brisbane. We've kind if picked it by a process of elimination and a all year round good climate bar the rainy season.


Javi x

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Hi Javi,

Weve never been to Oz before but we've decided against a recce for 2 reasons, firstly we felt that we would have a false impression on a 4wk recce as we'd probably be in hols mode and secondly the thousands of pounds spent paying for a recce are going to be put into our moving and setting up home fund.

Really can't wait to get there now and we've been lucky as we already have friends over there so we are Skyping quite often to get instant answers to most of our questions.

Si & Ange.

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Hi Javi,

We'll be in Brisbane a little ahead of you - July this year in fact. Also thinking of Ashgrove / Bardon based on schools for our 3 kids - and our lifestyles. Similar process of elimination I suspect. We had a big ticklist when trying to decide on whether to stay in the UK or take the plunge. Suffice to say that Australia and Brisbane won with little contest. Our folks were devastated at first on one side, devastated but understanding on the other, pretty much split 50/50 overall but they're slowly warming to the idea. In the end, we also came to the conclusion that we either put our hearts/shoulders/backs into it and give it a go or spend the rest of our lives wondering if we couldn't have had a much better life for us and the kids... good luck with your plans!

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we too have estimated (depending on visa and house sale) being out there this time next/summer. We hover over Brisbane and Sydney. Extensively research SYdney to turn aro0und and extensively search brisbane. We love the idea of sydney but realistically the price is mad for what you get so we choose Brisbane. We have a good friend went there with her husband and 3 kids 6 3 and 5 months they are 18th now., they just shipped out with the clothes on their back ( lost jobs etc here) they are in albian creek. i have another friend living in ashgrove immigrated and now married to an oz. she says the following areas are worth a look at..Ashgrove, red hill, paddington, bardon, new farm, the gap..


we also have not informed my mum...it will kill her and me telling her. everything else is in place for us...as in leaving other people and family will miss them of course but will move on...but my mum is the killer...


will keep this thread going with our findings and you never know we could occupy a full street in bardon!! lol


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Hi Jzombie,

Do you have any tips or advice with regards to the IELTS exam?


Thanks in advance, Si.


I am doing the general training part of the ielts on thursday if you would like me to post how I got on I can. I need 5 points for my visa app 175. so if i get 7.5 overall i will get the 5 points. My skills acreditation with AASW social work wanted academic bit, but because i have been educated in the uk Ps and secondary I dont have to sit that one. It is more advanced.

I have many practice materials and bought the cambridge grammar for ielts also (my hubby needs to do it as he was not edcuated in Uk and needs score 4 ) so it was worth our while to invest in the books. I appreciated they are pricey.

Studying now!!!!

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Si, yeah I know what you mean about the holiday mode thing and cost. We're doing the reccie as we can spend a few weeks with family over there, doubt we would be doing it otherwise. I'm just such a control freak, despite having lived out in Sydney for a whole year, I still feel I need double confirmation from this reccie before officially taking the plunge. Sounds like you guys have made good progress with paperwork etc already. We're still just getting our heads sorted out at the moment and will officially get the ball rolling after our trip out in oct. Have you told family yet? How did they take it? How old are Ben and Abs?


Jzombie, nice of you to join us. How far along are you with your plans? Have you sorted out visas yet/ found work or still in the early stages? How old are your children? I think you're right family obviously will accept it after a while once they've had a chance to let it all sink in. I think it's the initial shock phase that i'm most dreading. Really am DREADING!!! Will let you know how it goes when we eventually get to that hurdle!!


Hi Murta, we loved Sydney. We were there as a newly married couple so were looking for totally different things to what we are now that we have two little ones. Such a pretty city, loved the whole harbour/rocks and darling harbour area. Cost of housing is crazy though. I'm also terrified of that sydney funnel web spider so sydney's out lol!!


Anyone else terrified of the creepy crawlies? Think I'm going to sleep with a bottle of Raid next to my bed every night!! I'm trying not to look into all of that too much, I researched it a few months back so think I know my stuff but it seriously freaks me out when I see those pics. Gonna hide it in the back of my memory bank somewhere.


Hope you're all keeping well!!


Javi x



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Hey javi,


Weve told all family except Angela's!!! He's the biggie but we will cross that bridge when we have to. Everyone's been really great about us going, Ange's mum already planning to move over as well and her nan (84) has even saved the air fare to visit!

Ben is 11 & Abs is 7. Both really excited but not quite as much as mum and dad. Lol.


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Hi Javi


My OH Sam plucked up the courage and told her eldest and closest brother, who has also been my best friend since I arrived in England in 1971, that we are emigrating in 2013. We were having a couple of drinks with him and his wife in his local pub and, while he was in the middle of making plans for the pair of us to go off on some motorcycle trips next year, Sam just came out with it... it turned out to be quite an emotional evening. He was obviously shocked at the news and replied "I'm five pints in to tonights deal, how can you tell me now, Jesus". After that he was quite supportive, in fact brilliant and said some very nice things to Sam, which obviously set her off but she is relieved.

Well, thats one down, two more brothers and the biggie...her mom and dad...this weekend:unsure:. I have already told my dad and will tell my brothers soon, but they'll be ok I'm fairly sure.


I had a good chuckle reading the bit about creepy crawlies and thought I'd better try and harden Sam up a bit as I know she not keen on them to say the least, so I've spoken to her and tried to put her at ease. Anyway, you'll need a cricket bat rather than a can of raid... only kidding.


Have you chosen Ashgrove/Bardon as possible areas due to work opportunities, schools or do you have friends there?



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Jzombie, what area have you chosen to rent in? which schools have you gone with?


We were looking at Rainworth state school or Bardon state school, planning to go and have a little tour when we go in oct.


Hiya russ, we're looking at bardon or ashgrove mainly because of schools but my cousin and her family have gone over for a year and they've reccomended them. I'm also trying to assess flood risk and i think these areas are on higher ground. Still need to do a bit more research though. My favourite word!!


Si, that's great that you've got family willing to move over with you. How much easier does that make it.



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Hi Javi, we've not organised schools and rentals yet. Will probably be using a relocation agent to help out on that as we're really hoping to avoid temporary accommodation. We're looking at areas with high ranking schools generally Northside. Ashgrove and Bardon are front runners. Hoping to stick within 10k of the CBD to keep commutes to a minimum and avoid too big a jump from being in London. Am liking Bardon SS on the basis of their pastoral care strength as this will give the kids the best chance of settling quickly. But to be honest, we've got to keep an open mind. Got to find a good school - where there are actually properties available!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Javi


Have you managed to pluck up the courage and tell your parents yet? Sam has now told all of her family and it was a bit of an emotional couple of weeks with quite a bit of stress thrown in for good measure. It has all worked out well in the end though with Sams parents and a couple of brothers saying that they will visit, which has really took the stress and worry off Sam and she can now look forward to it more.




Has your house sale gone through yet and have you employed the services of a relocation agent? Have you decided on an area and schools for the children? I did read that you're on a PR121 employer sponsored visa due to your husbands work, what is his field of work and has he gone over to start yet?


Loads of questions I know.


Cheers Russ

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Hi Russ,

House sale is still in progress but hopefully we'll tie it up in the next couple of weeks. We're going with Elite relocation services and hoping to stick to Northwest suburbs. Sill have Ashgrove/Bardon in mind although The Gap and Chapel Hill are not ruled out - our need to stick within budget may dictate being a bit further out. Yes, we're on PR121 (and ahem... I am the husband...) we'll all be going out together so that we can maximize our migrant baggage allowance (all 200kg of it)! Only 80 days to go!

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Hi Russ,

House sale is still in progress but hopefully we'll tie it up in the next couple of weeks. We're going with Elite relocation services and hoping to stick to Northwest suburbs. Sill have Ashgrove/Bardon in mind although The Gap and Chapel Hill are not ruled out - our need to stick within budget may dictate being a bit further out. Yes, we're on PR121 (and ahem... I am the husband...) we'll all be going out together so that we can maximize our migrant baggage allowance (all 200kg of it)! Only 80 days to go!


Ahh My Apologies :embarrassed:. Is your PR121 due to your work or your OH's? We will also be travelling one way and my wife and children will be on a partner visa. Will we/they be eligible for the 40kg baggage allowance? Only 80 day's...you lucky so and so's. It would be nice to keep in touch on PIO after you've arrived and settled, and you can let us know how you've got on.

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PR is down to me but OH and the kids are all included on the PR visa. 40kgs each including the kids, which is a real bonus. You've got to make sure you request it though. Singapore airlines have asked us to send them copies of our visa labels as proof of PR in order to guarantee the allowance before we travel. Tricky since visas are now electronic - so I'll be sending the passports off to The Oz embassy here in London to get the labels done. Interestingly our migration consultants recommended we do this anyway to make things easier later. Will keep in touch, good luck for your migration too!

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Guest Danguild
Hi Javi


Good to hear from someone else in a similar position to us. We're looking at moving to Brisbane/Sunshine Coast around the same time (Summer 2013). Just going through the motions of researching everything, although there is so much to learn! I'm really apprehensive,although very excited. My husband was born in Adelaide, his family left Australia when he was about 2 years old; he went back for 18 months when he was in his late teens, and loved it. We met 19 years ago, married for 17 of them and through our married life to date, moving to Australia is a constant hot topic for discussion in our house. About 6 months ago, we decided that we are going to do it, be brave and make the move! We have two daughters, 5 and 13 years. Our eldest daughter is all for it, but I haven't told our youngest yet as I'm scared she will say something to my parents, who I have also yet to tell! I am very close to my parents, as are my husband and daughters. I am dreading telling them - it will be their worst nightmare coming true. Have you told your family and friends yet? If so, how did you go about telling them?

Have you decided which parts of Brisbane you are interested in settling in? I'm finding it hard getting perspective on all the different areas. My wants from an area are - good schools, local shopping areas, beaches, work opportunities, good residential areas to suit family living etc - pretty much what anyone would desire from uprooting your family to the other side of the world!


I think I'm a fairly open minded person, with a desire to see and do as much as I can before its too late. I would rather look back on life when I'm old a grey and think of the adventures and risks I took, rather than have a life of regrets, and if onlys! I've recently lost a friend and two distant relatives; all who passed away before their time through ill health etc, and when this happens to you, life is put into a different perspective; well it did for me. Experiencing these losses probably gave me the push to do it. I've always wanted to, but it is the thought of leaving my parents which has stopped me in the past. Although I know they will come and stay with us.


Apologies, I'm probably depressing you now with my deep thinking! How are you getting on with your research etc?


Keep in touch




hi me and my husband have just decided after 2 years of thinking that we are going to make the move to oz.... i have 4 children aged 3,4,6,9 but its going to be my parents worst night mare when i tell them my OH has told his parents and they said go for it and live your life just not sure mine are going to act the same (have you told your parents yet? how did you go about telling them?) thanks louise x

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Hi Louise, welcome. hi all!!


I've told my mum and dad but i don't think they really believe we'll actually be going. As we were considering it around 2 years ago and then decided to stay put due to child care/family support. however since then we've mentally revisited it again and again and now just feel it's something we just need to do. Don't want to be sat here having the same conversation 5 years down the line. As for my OH's folks, they're going to be the tough ones and I've decided to let my hubby manage that one the way he sees best. He knows them better than I do after all. I really can't see them taking it too well. We're trying to delay it for another few months yet though. Our main priority is getting a job lined up first and save as much as possible over here. Hopefully everything will fall into place one by one.


Wow jockeylad 80 days, so envious!! U must definitely keep in touch once u've settled in over there, will be great to hear hiw tou're getting on. We feel we're in limbo at the minute, don't want a job to come up too soon as it may mean a move before next summer which I think at this stage will be a bit too early. So just waiting really.


Where are you guys at now russ?


Louise, I'm sure your parents will eventually accept it too. I guess they have to right. I think it's that initial shock stage which will be the hardest to deal with, which I'm totally dreading. Even so I think eventually once it's all sank in, they'll come around. Fingers crossed, lol! Wow u must have your hands full with four little ones. I've got a 1yr old and a 3yr old and i'm just about holding it together. God knows if I'll manage to keep my sanity being on the other side of the world with the two of them. I'm reading Jo Frosts confident toddler care at the minute, hoping to pick up a few tips.



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