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Brisbane Grammar/Brisbane Girls Grammar School


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Hi all,


So I'm hoping to put my children down on the waiting lists for BG and BGGS. My little girl is 14 months and my little boy has just turned 3. I've heard that you should put your child's name down from birth in order of having any chance of getting in.


Has anyone had any personal experience of this? I wil contact the schools and see what their waiting lists are like but do you think they stand any realistic chance of getting in? Any experiences would be very much appreciated.


Many thanks,

Javi xx

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You never can tell. Only they will be able to tell you. The GFC has meant that a lot of people no longer have quite the disposable income that they once had. You'll probably be OK - it's the early childhood places that are in high demand.

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If you like the schools just put their names down it is easier that way (yes there are a few people i have met that put their children down on the list and some 4 to 6 years in advance )and there are some that missed out or got a last minute place due to some families relocating.They are very good schools just make sure they are happy when they get there.

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