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With all the people moving back to the uk.

chrisrich 5

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Hi all,


Just a thought .


while reading all the new posts and seeing all the people wanting to move back to the UK, would it not be better for us all to retun on the same day and hire a new A380 air bus and all return together that way we may get back home for half price .lol

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Guest AKA63029

Of course as the old joke goes concerning aircraft and particularly the A380:




Q. What's the difference between an A380 and Poms.



A. Generally the plane stops whining when it lands.:wubclub:




Don't shoot the messenger, I'm a Pom and have my fair share of whines.


Cheers Tony.

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May be those of us without jobs to go to could takeover a company or start one, better yet find a new island and call it 'New Britain' for only expats...I think thats been tried


haha....yea, it's the USA now. :biggrin:

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May be those of us without jobs to go to could takeover a company or start one, better yet find a new island and call it 'New Britain' for only expats...I think thats been tried


The experiment's been tried a few times with mixed results. Perhaps this time we could learn from our mistakes and not found the colony with religious nutters (US), convicts (Aus) or Jocks (NZ). Secular law-abiding English only need apply.


No need to find an island....just identify a piece of land, decide the current inhabitants are sub-human, declare it Terra Nullius and just move in. There's a rather nice piece of land just over the channel that will do just fine


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