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Medical and police checks


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Front loading used to be very popular but it's not without it's risks for some visas. For some visas, the visa grant is from the date of the police check or medicals whichever is the earliest and you are given 12 months from that date (not the date you get told you have your visa) to make your initial entry into Aus (validation).


EG. My medicals were dated 18th May 2006 and my Police Checks 30th May 2006. My Visa was granted on July 1st 2006, I had to make my initial entry into Australia by May 18th 2007. This wasn't a problem for us and our visa was processed realtively quickly (7 months) in those days, however, there does seem to be long delays with people waiting over 12 months for visa grant. There have been memebers who due to front loading have had only a 3 or 4 month window to validate, resulting in a validation trip and returning to the UK because they've not been ready to make the permanent move.


Medicals and police checks are only valid for 12 months - if they expire you will have to have them done again - not so bad with the cost of the police check, but a lot of money for the medicals. Extensions to the validation period are not usual.


Personally, I'd wait until they're requested as then you know that your CO is ready to proceed with processing your application. Front Loading doesn't give much of an advantage

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Guest Guest31881

I would agree with Ali,


It depends what visa you are applying for as to if it is advisable. Remember the medicals and police checks have a 12 month life from the day of issue, so once they are obtained your visa has to be issued and you have to have validated the visa by at least visiting Australia in the 12 month period. If its a visa that is not going to take long then it can be worth while, if its a visa that you may have to wait several months for or even longer for then it can be a waste of your money as it could need to be done again before visa is issued.

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