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Will it be easier coming from the Irish economy rather than from the UK?


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We're coming over to Perth from Dublin. We're reading on the forum how expensive it is in Perth, my question is, as most of the comments are coming from UK emmigrants, are the Irish finding it as difficult?


Our lives are happy over here, though have changed considerably over the most recent years, we haven't taken a holiday for two years, the only way we eat out is by using the cheap vouchers, we just don't treat ourselves much anymore. But don't mind, I guess we're used to it, afterall we're happy being together.


I'm Australian, and am dying to live on my home soil for a while. My husband is very nervous that our lives will become even more difficult living there.


The way I see it is that my Australian family and friends are not struggling any more than we are, infact they can still afford the odd holiday!?!


I'm under the elusion that our difficulties here may actually help us adjust to our new home, as we don't over spend now (especially with the added pressure of saving for the move).


Any opinions on this?


(I've also posted this on PerthPoms)

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Hi Oz in Dublin


My daughter and I arrived from Tipperary last September to Perth and OMG, it is so expensive here. I have a good job, but I'm away from from home 10 hours a day, in the CBD. My daughter is permanently in child care, before and after school, its a nightmare. I don't find the locals very friendly and cereal is $8 a box. The prices are outrageous. Its like the shops think everyone is working in the mines, and so we all have heaps of disposable income and they can rip us off. There is no lidl or aldi in Perth, which would keep the other big supermarkets honest and the quality of the food is rubbish. They freeze the fruit and but the time you get it home, its mush in 24 hours. I am heading back to Tipperary in five months, and can't wait and I know some things are expensive like petrol, road tax but honestly, Perth is much more expensive. STeak for $32 and a weekly shop, for two of us, in in excess of $140. And just so you know, I lived in Perth and Melbourne before, for over 20 years, so I've had experience of both countries and unless you have plenty of disposable income, forget it. Maybe your family can help, and maybe you already have a house here, if not, be prepared to spend $500k.


Just read this back and it sounds like a rant but every word is true. Its really, really expensive. My money in Tipperary went much further and clothes are cheaper in Ireland, especially for children. You even get ripped off flying inside Australia = what I paid last January for a return trip to Melbourne, would have got me a week in Gran Canaria for both of us. Seriously think about it

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To be honest, you can make it as cheap or expensive as you want. I am from Ireland and I went home to Dublin last month. I spent a small fortune on just living expenses and I don't even drink! I was there for a week and I spent 300-400 yoyo's. When I went to Brisbane last May, I found it slightly more expensive than Dublin. I was there for 2 weeks and on spending money, I spent 1500. But allot of this was spent on tourist things which I obviously don't do in Dublin. Of course you have to factor in rent, bills etc. But on day to day living, I didn't find that much difference. $32 for steak? Maybe if you're eating out. But there are lots of butchers and farmers markets in Oz. And don't forget, there are lots and lots of free things to do in Oz:yes:

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