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How Can I Convince My Parents To Go?


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The minute I left Sydney as I kid I have wanted to go back there, but my parents are relenting, they keep saying "it's in our past now" etc. and since then they havent gone back, not for one holiday or nothing :mad:


So how do I convince them to go back? Next Christmas would be ideal as I am in a slow year in school and my sister is old enoug to fly (which was one of their previous excuses.)


Im actually so frustrated. I haven't seen any of my friends in 6 years (I still keep in contact with them) but my parents have cut off all relations with the place.


The thoughts of having to wait for another 3 years or more is killing me because they won't let me go on my own until I am 18 or 19. So how do I convince them to go?

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What a shame. I don't know honestly how you can convince them when it seems they are so adamant that it is in their past. Have you told them honestly and completely about your feelings? Do you have family over there that maybe you could look to stay with in the earlier years? I know that 3 years feels like a very long time but you ay be better concentrating on any studies you have left to do and then going on your own steam. I hope whatever you do you are happy

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What a shame. I don't know honestly how you can convince them when it seems they are so adamant that it is in their past. Have you told them honestly and completely about your feelings? Do you have family over there that maybe you could look to stay with in the earlier years? I know that 3 years feels like a very long time but you ay be better concentrating on any studies you have left to do and then going on your own steam. I hope whatever you do you are happy


Thanks for replying. I have told them many times what I was feeling, but I just can't seem to get though to me. I don't have family, but one of my friends who I say in contact wih says I can stay with his family.

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wow that's a great shame for you- however your parents probably have their reasons- & in time honestly you'll probably understand better .. for now I'd suggest the same ( since you don't really have much choice!) get into your new school/studies/friends...do as well as you can in terms of exam results..so that you have good quals to go over there with when you do have the opportunity to go back..& save save save all your special occasion monies to do it with.. that way you'll always feel you have a real goal to work towards & that'll help the time to go by.. keep in touch with your Aussie friends- you might even be able to visit when you're the right age to go unaccompanied- there's lots to look forward to !!:daydreaming:

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If your parents dont want to spend thousands of pounds visiting a place they obviously didnt much like then I dont think you should be trying to persuade them.


I agree with Freesia, look at the next 3 years as your time to work hard and save up so that when they say you can potter off on your own then you are well set up with finances, qualifications and connections to be able to do it. 3 years isnt that long in the scheme of things and meanwhile make the most of the place you live in and dont put your life on hold for a return to something which you may find isnt there when you actually achieve it.

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Thanks for the replies. They dont hate Oz (I've asked them before) but they are adamant its in their past and our family is here and they have jobs, but 3 weeks is hardly a long time :confused: Whereas 3 years is so long away, it could be even more if they ship off to a university (and there's no chance in hell I'm allowed go to University of NSW even though my mother worked there)


.I just wish I could go for a week or two because if I don't like it, I won't be wishing days away thinking what it could be like.

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I can only say Mumty- if it's any consolation at all- those of us who are missing loved ones over there & have no means of getting there ourselves yet.. are all in this waiting game together & it's a painful process.. you are by no means alone in waiting for the time to be right. Just do what you can to reach your goal as we are all doing & if it's meant to be it will all work out -be positive & all the best :em3600:

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