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IELTS Exam Sat 10th March - Totally turtling myself


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OK, I was feeling ok about this having done some trial papers and tests and getting ok (ish) scores. Now it's getting closer I'm a bit more worried, espcially as I read through people who have missed a single section 10 times or more! Eeek!


I really need to pass 1st time to make the July deadline as I'll be an old codger by then!




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Hey guys, sat my IELTS on the 25th Feb and NYCPLANNER I totally get what you mean. In the actual exam I kind of tuned out and then when I snapped back in to it 3 questions had passed, argh. The one I found hardest was for sure the reading. They give you some strange topics to discuss too....In the writing it it is hard not to go off and talk about something else. Suffice to say I am not looking forward to Saturday :/ I am sure you will be fine but try not to look on here for stories of how hard the IELTS is cause it just knocks your confidence. Its a strange exam, I wouldnt say it is difficult, just strange. Keep revising and you'll be fine. I have a PDF that I made of how to structure your essay for writing that is taken from IELTS on you tube if you would like it? X

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Hey guys, sat my IELTS on the 25th Feb and NYCPLANNER I totally get what you mean. In the actual exam I kind of tuned out and then when I snapped back in to it 3 questions had passed, argh. The one I found hardest was for sure the reading. They give you some strange topics to discuss too....In the writing it it is hard not to go off and talk about something else. Suffice to say I am not looking forward to Saturday :/ I am sure you will be fine but try not to look on here for stories of how hard the IELTS is cause it just knocks your confidence. Its a strange exam, I wouldnt say it is difficult, just strange. Keep revising and you'll be fine. I have a PDF that I made of how to structure your essay for writing that is taken from IELTS on you tube if you would like it? X


hie Laura, can you send it to me too, i find writing hard and i go off topic a lot...

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Guest rsaboy

I am also re-taking mine in Acton on Saturday for the 4th time, i pass every module apart from the reading, i am doing loads of practice papers, books and now a tutor, so fingers crossed!

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I am also re-taking mine in Acton on Saturday for the 4th time, i pass every module apart from the reading, i am doing loads of practice papers, books and now a tutor, so fingers crossed!



you sound just like me lol loads of practice materials and a tutor in tow...lol wat scores do u need??

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Thanks Laura, this is great! Now all I need is a strategy for the listening section. Every time I do a practice run, all I hear is that Peanuts teacher saying "blah blah blah"...


Ha ha I know, he is a pain I bet his wife and children want to stab him, they couldnt have picked someone with a more dull and dreary voice. I reckon the secret is 2 cocktail sticks and some red bull. When your in the exam its just a big room with speakers. Silly me thought it would be headphones, giving you more of a chance to zone out but luckily the environment keeps you a bit more awake. xx

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I did mine last month, did the academic one and got overall 9.0. I too had done lots of practice papers (bought 3 official books). I was really worried about the reading having got varying practise scores. I think the following are the most important;

Know how to write an essay (intro, body, conclusion)

If you're not sure how to spell a word or know it's correct meaning don't use it!

Know what the papers look like and how you fill them in (this shown in the official books)

Read ahead in the listening and pay attention

I found it easier to read the questions then refer to text in the reading-questions are frequently in text order

Make sure you talk, talk, talk in speaking, it's about linking words not your knowledge.


Good luck!

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I finished it a couple of hours ago. I was surprised how little difficulty I had with reading and listening, I think practicing with the academic reading helped. Not sure about the writing... Very relieved that its over:biggrin:


Me too -- I'm happy to not have it hanging over my head anymore. I ran out of time on the writing section -- I think I wrote too much. But the reading and listening sections seemed easier than the practice tests.

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