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Creatures in Australia


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The Daily Mail had a story about a man in the Uk that was bitten by a false widow spider 10 times and collapse in a shopping centre. Apparently they have been in the Uk for about 100 years and are quite common but I have never heard or seen one.


3 years in Oz and I've not seen anything dangerous

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Guest Chantel
i am scared to death of spiders, ashamed to admit that!

Though i am sure things wont be that bad, i will just need a broom or rifle at hand at all times!



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I saw 'my' Huntsman again last night as I left my unit, and in the same position on the banister. I was with my friend Brigitte from Germany and I was hoping she would (satisfyingly) scream when she saw it but she was contemptuous of it. 'Just a spider.'



so did you scream instead? :wink:

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Guest Chantel
I've found even the most ferocious spider can't deal with a good old-fashioned right hook. Punch first and ask questions later. Snakes are softer, you don't actually have to hit them. Just look them in the eye and give them a few pushes in the chest and say loudly "D'ya want some? Do you?". They'll just run off, the wimps


Excellent! :laugh:

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Hillariously wicked of you to post such a video! looooool :laugh:

The first time I head this song was when we were holidaying on Hamilton Island. We had gone on a evenings jeep safari and were taken to a remote beach. The guides made a make shift bar and fired up a BBQ. As soon as the food was ready all the possums turned up to see what was on offer (see photo below) and afterwards we had gathered around the camp fire with the sun setting through the trees. Somebody got out they didgeridoo (behave now, no sniggering please) and we all had a go on it, the silly games started and out came the guitar and 'Welcome to Australia' was one of the songs they sang. it was one of those that I won't forget for a long time....




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The first time I head this song was when we were holidaying on Hamilton Island. We had gone on a evenings jeep safari and were taken to a remote beach. The guides made a make shift bar and fired up a BBQ. As soon as the food was ready all the possums turned up to see what was on offer (see photo below) and afterwards we had gathered around the camp fire with the sun setting through the trees. Somebody got out they didgeridoo (behave now, no sniggering please) and we all had a go on it, the silly games started and out came the guitar and 'Welcome to Australia' was one of the songs they sang. it was one of those that I won't forget for a long time....





Whats that in the pic?? its the cutest thing ever!!! edit - i've just realised its a possum. silly me

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Whats that in the pic?? its the cutest thing ever!!! edit - i've just realised its a possum. silly me

Are you talking about Mrs X's feet?


Or one of the dozens of possums that rocked up wanting barbequed prawns? The Guides were walking around grabbing by their tails and lobbing them off the tables, which didn't seem to bother them as they kept coming back for more.


There was a possum outside my bedroom window the other night, making a noise like an angry coffee peculator (that's about as close a description as I can get to). The locals loath them but after 3 and a half years we still think they're cute!


Another pic form the same night....




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i'd never hurt one! i suppose its just like squirrels and foxes here, some people dont like them because they can cause damage. some squirrels have chewed through my cousins plastic bin apparently lol he's not very happy

Yeah spot on.


It's the same with cockatoos, they are very destructive. Our very first place was a holiday home in the woods, the owner lived next door and they had a bird table. All bird were welcome to feed but whenever a cockatoo arrived the little terrier would rush out and bark at it until it flew away! If you encourage cockies to feed and then one day forget to put some food out they will start to strip and woodwork they can see. I remember sitting at the bar in Hamilton Island whilst two cockatoos sat on a wooden balcony and just peeled it apart with their beaks!


Geoff (Bill Oddie eat your heart out)

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The second pic is Billy the blue tongued lizard (one of many around the garden)


I remember my first encounter with a Staffie, I was around a friends house when they let it out. Just saw this bull terrier hurtling towards me, I backed myself against the wall and it promptly fell on it's back at my feet and demanded tickling! Now I think about I must have that kind of effect on dogs as the same thing happened wit the a Doberman!


Geoff (never had the effect with the fairer sex though......)

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i'd never hurt one! i suppose its just like squirrels and foxes here, some people dont like them because they can cause damage. some squirrels have chewed through my cousins plastic bin apparently lol he's not very happy



I don't mind them in the wild, but they can be a real problem if they find a way inside roof/wall space. We had to move out of our last rental because of them. Fighting at 2am, peeing everywhere, chewing on electrics etc. Because they're protected, they're very hard to get rid of.

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The second pic is Billy the blue tongued lizard (one of many around the garden)


I remember my first encounter with a Staffie, I was around a friends house when they let it out. Just saw this bull terrier hurtling towards me, I backed myself against the wall and it promptly fell on it's back at my feet and demanded tickling! Now I think about I must have that kind of effect on dogs as the same thing happened wit the a Doberman!


Geoff (never had the effect with the fairer sex though......)


I find most people are really scared of staffies and especially people with children. They usually are amazing with children though, i know my two are. Lol i bet you crapped your pants! hope you gave it a good belly rub, they love that!

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