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Baby food on flight and thro Oz customs


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About to do reccie with wifey and nipper (11 month) (emirates with bassinet)can anyone offer any tips with foods please???What ya can and cannot take?Do pouches explode? ..... Etc etcmucha cheers.


Hiya I have flown several times with baby and I just took jars of food, rusks, rice cakes etc. For her bottles I took six bottles already filled with boiled water. Kept it all in one big bag so they could see it was all the baby stuff. Only once I had to open 2 bottles and take a little sip out of the water so they could see that it was just water. Carrying the bottles was a wee bit heavy but they can only rinse out your bottles on the plane. Just took baby formula in a plastic tub but you can get ready made stuff in cartons as well. I would say to take a blanket for baby as well as the ones on the plane are a bit stratchy and not very cosy for bubs.

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I agree with AJ


The airline will also have jars of baby food on board. So if you need extra don't worry. Ive taken both pre made milk cartons and also formula on different occasions. Both were fine. Although on the occasion that I took the cartons was when it was the height of threat and they made me open some of them and take a sip. They then taped them back up so that they didn't leak.


Airlines are used to children so they will help you out as much as possible. There's no microwaves on board so if you little one is used to warm milk you may want to try and change that. My poor monkeys were never lucky enough to be pampered and have always had room temp milk/water. Such a mean mummy, lol...



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Just realised you were mentioning food as opposed to milk! You can take pretty much anything on board. Jars will be fine. Can't say I've ever taken pouches, mainly because they were always more expensive. All the usual snacks are fine on board. Just make sure that you declare anything food/snacks that your taking into Australia. You'll find that quite a few kids snacks won't be allowed through, fruit etc. But if your honest and ask them they won't mind helping. Always best to make sure!



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I too have taken baby food in jars. Also fed him from ours too. I doubt you would be able to lay the babe in the bassinet at 11 months . Gets tricky after 8.Remember to pack loads of nappies too. They will provide hot water to make up the formula or you can take the readymade bottles. Have a safe journey.

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