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Applying for Permanent Residency here in Perth without Employer help?!!!


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Hi All

I was wandering if you could help with a confused girl here!


I've been working in Perth on a 457 visa since April 2010. In December 2011, I then transferred my 457 visa to a new company. I've been told that after two years of being on the 457 visa, I can look at applying for permanent residency which I want to do with LAFHA finishing in June anyway and having that security etc.


As I've only been with my new employer Dec 11, they will not support my PR application yet (only after 12months of being with that company). My question is, can I do this on my own? And if so, what do I do? Do I find an agent to help and when can I start the process? When I have completed 2 years exactly which will be in April 2012?


Hope this makes sense and any answers would be much appreciated.




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If you don't want to involve your employer you need to go to the DIAC site and find a PR visa that you qualify for.

Unfortunately there's no short-cut. Being on a 457 might give you a small advantage as far as points are concerned as you now have some Australian experience.


Try the visa wizard here to see if you qualify for PR: http://www.immi.gov.au/visawizard/

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If you qualify for a PR visa there is no 2 year wait, that only applies if you can't pass an assessment for an ENS visa (after 2 years you don't need one).


Independent visas do not require employer sponsorship so would be the best if you qualify look at 175, 176 and 174 visas.


Otherwise find an amployer that will sponsor you for PR from the start, this IS possible.

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