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How much?


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We are moving to Perth Oct/Nov this year but are unable to sell our house in the present economy.


We will have cars/personal possessions to sell and savings. What is an advisable amount to have at least to start us off in Oz, hubby will hopefully get a job straight away. We are a family of 3.


I know its a random question and a lot depends on where you live / lifestyle etc. But a approximate indication would be really helpfull from anyone who had been in a similar situation and done it.





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Hi Jo,


Were in a similar situation (family of 4). I think that after shipping/flights we'll have about £15k to start our new life. We are lucky in the fact that if were really stuck we can move into my mums for a bit (I'm the Aussie, hence the user name). Obviously we'd ideally like to start off fresh and do it for ourselves. But help is there 'if' we need it. There will be a lot of different opinions on this. Some will say you need a ridiculous amount, that lets face it, most won't have. Others have managed on very little.


Personally I think were taking over a decent amount to get us up and running to start with and once my husband gets a job our life will hopefully only get better in the financial sense.


Good luck.



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Hi Jo we are a family of 5, 2.3kids.. We have had to rent our home in the uk out through a rental company with full management, for two reasons really, 1 being because we didnt know if we would settle here, and 2 because of the market being so bad, I sold the entire contents of the house, the car, and followed my hubby out a month later, after he had found us a house, and basic furniture and necessaries, we had £9,000.. my hubby had a job set in place for when he arrived and the company paid for his first 2 weeks stay in a motel, which helped, the deposit for a house to rent is roughly $2,500 which includes a bond and first 2weeks rent, there are furniture shops who sell furniture packages for a whole house for $2000, includes bed, suite, tv cabinet, dining tables etc.. and lovely... it can be done on a budget we have done it, one thing account for school fees, uniforms, and school accessories, with 3 kids this proved quite expensive for us, something we didn't account for, also something that we needed to pay to ensure our children fitted into the educational system quickly.. everything will fall into place if you can prepare in advance, i.e fill medicare out online prior to coming, this could be less cost effective if you require medical attention...

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Hi jo....


We are a family of 3. hubby has job and they are paying for flights, shipping and 2 months accomodation. Hopefully we will be taking 15 - 20k. Mind you there are pay offs happening in hubbys present job....so keep ur fingers crossed he is on the hit list then we will have more :-))


Scary isn't it working out how much you are going to need to get started!! i was looking at the price of cars and it was omg!! I know you can get 2 year car loans but we bought our cars cash here new (poor savings took a big dip :-( ) and as the rents are so high we really dont want to have car payments on top of that.


All the best and i will keep my fingers crossed your hubby gets a job a.s.a.p



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Can you fill out medicare online before you arrive now? You used to have to wait about 7 days (for the immigration computer to say you were in the country), and go to the office and show your passport as proof of ID. We went on the 3rd day we arrived and were asked to go back as we weren't yet showing on the system.

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