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Why do so many Aussies (born here) read the Moving Back to The UK section


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Guest Guest31881
As I said it doesn't happen as much as it used to (which is good) but it does happen. And yes, there is no need for those of us going back to bag Australia.


But I do feel that sometimes people can be very harsh indeed on those returning to the UK.


I would hope that the negative and vindictive comments we used to get on the forum have been cut down to just a trickle. we can never get rid of them all but we do our best. on the MBTUK forum it is peppered with comments both from myself and other mods in an effort to keep the thread balanced. However saying that i do have to point out that it is a two way street as far as vindictive comments go. I have also had to step in when returnees to the UK seem to feel that posting on MBTUK threads gives them the right to insult and lambaste members staying in Australia.


The phrase that sends shivers down my spine on these threads is......... I tell it like it is....... That usually means, I have probably made this up but I will argue with anyone who said it is wrong.


If everyone rereads their post before posting it on the forum and just thought how will others look at it, How will the mods and the other members interpret what i have put. then there would be a lot less hassle.


AND REMEMBER, THE REPORT BUTTON IS YOUR FRIEND, I have never suspended an account for hitting the report button...... I have suspended members who did not hit the report button but decided to argue on the threads...



Ok sorry,,back to the OP ....

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I cannot understand why some people seem to spend hours reading posts about conufused x-pats, many of whom are looking for reassurance that moving back to the UK will be the right thing for them, and then slag them off! What is the point? If you love living in Australia or are an Australian, then what is the point of reading this section? I have to skip through so many abusive comments just to get to any real content that might be useful to me. I love Australia and England. I have lived in both for 31 years. In past years you couldn't have paid me to go back permanently but now my kids are grown and settled I have this irrational (to some) need to return. It could be the 100 odd relatives back there, the sudden realisation when back last year that the 2 year old I last saw is now 6'4' and should make the Olympics in his sport! My kids and I have missed so much and it was a sobering realisation. I have four generations of family there and none but my kids (single) here. I need advice on British pensions etc as I'm on an Invalid Pension at present and do not know where to go for help (Government web site is not helping much). I'm on an Invalid Pension here but hopefully not for much longer. I face an operation in February to repair damage done by surgeon in private hospital here 5 years ago. It has taken countless hospitals and doctors all this time to find out what is wrong! (The specialist has lost his licence). So now I do not know how to sort my financial income when I am well enough to return (later 2012) and the threads on this site are tedious as so filled with criticisms and insults of those wanting to leave Australia. I've been all round over 3 years and Australia is extraordinarily beautiful. Australia has been very good to me on the whole. I never thought I would ever leave and even took a CD back with me 'I call Australia Home' on one trip back so I could listen to it because I didn't really want to go back for that holiday. Those that do criticise should realise that for many of us x-pats it is not a question of Australia versus UK as you cannot possibly compare them. It is your own personal lifestyle and family that we are comparing - not Australia nor it's scenery or people.


I'm an Aussie born PIO member and joined because a couple of my staff have recently arrived in Aust and I wanted to understand what it was like for new arrivals in an effort to make the tranisition as easy for them as I could (without peppering them with questions which was likely to create a completly different set of problems). Although I check out the Moving Back To The UK Section periodically it is usually because the title of a thread has caught my attention in the New Posts area. I try to avoid the vitriolic posts and not let them influence the way I judge people who migrate here in the same way I hope others won't judge me or my country based on the content of those posts. I wish you well Fizzybangs and hope you find the happiness you are looking for.

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I'm an Aussie born PIO member and joined because a couple of my staff have recently arrived in Aust and I wanted to understand what it was like for new arrivals in an effort to make the tranisition as easy for them as I could (without peppering them with questions which was likely to create a completly different set of problems). Although I check out the Moving Back To The UK Section periodically it is usually because the title of a thread has caught my attention in the New Posts area. I try to avoid the vitriolic posts and not let them influence the way I judge people who migrate here in the same way I hope others won't judge me or my country based on the content of those posts. I wish you well Fizzybangs and hope you find the happiness you are looking for.


Thanks for such a lovely post. Computer died on Boxing Day and I have only just got it back which is why it has taken so long to reply!

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well said, I am moving back to the UK as that is where my family is and having a baby whilst here, I wish to be with them, I love Australia but in my life at the moment UK is where I want to be.

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