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Best and worst flights?


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One thing I love about Aus is the long flight over. I love travelling and part of the fun is the flight; I realise that others hate it but my flight to and fro Aus was absoloute bliss.


I thought we could all add our besties and worsts! Here's mine, pretty long-winded though, so er...you might go for a wee before starting.


My best was definately Aus. I got onto the plane (BA) at about 9pm and it was literally the day before all the airports closed in the UK due to the snow last year. Well, you have no idea how relieved I was to get there at all; I'm a very very cautious person about timings and missing buses, etc., so I was pleased as punch that I'd not only gotten the 6 hour coach there without a problem, but I'd also gotten to the right gate, on time, without any trouble! Amazing!

So there I am, content as pie, and the pilot says that because of the ice on the plane's wings, we'd have to wait twenty minutes to be de-iced and then we could go.

I was pretty chuffed because so many people had missed connection flights that I had three seats to myself way behind the wing so I could take pictures without the wing getting in the way. After travelling since 7am that morning, I was pretty pooped, so despite my extreme excitement I was fairly drowsy and nodded off. Well, after about three hours, the pilot announced that now we were being de-iced and we'd be leaving soon. Sure enough, half an hour later, we were revving up the run way and were off.

The air steward was so gay and adorable, and was careful to attend to everyone kindly. I fell asleep pretty quickly until the food trolley came round. I'm not sure about anyone else but I love is airplane food. There's something very attention-deprived about me on a plane that makes a tiny meal in cute organised pots very exciting.

We stopped over at Bangkok and were given a little gate ticket to go to. Well, let's just say, read your friggin' ticket or you end up twenty minutes jog away from the actual gate, smugly smug thinking that you're first there. Then you end up running as fast as your chubby little legs can take you to the correct gate and make it just in time.

Back on the plane and we were off, with more food and snacks, and great inflight entertainment. One thing that really distressed me was that we were three hours late for our arrival time and I'd miss my connecting flight to Brisbane. I asked the new gay steward about it and he assured me that Qantas had rebooked me, so not to worry. He was really very kind and really reassured me, and even brought me two cans of little Cokes to keep me happy.

Overall the flight was so perfect, it was easy with three seats to myself where I could pee whenever I liked, and had lots of space to spread out (although I really only had studio headphones, a jumper, and three packs of those ear plugs, cushions, and blankies).

The flight home was even better, with loads of snacks and even better inflight entertainment, and a short stopover too. I was so over the moon with Qantas, their plane was much nicer and cleaner too. I'm also fairly chubby, but I had heaps of room so the seats were fabulous.


Worst...the connecting flight to Brisbane from Sydney. Tiny seats, run down plane, and overall really cruddy but fast to fly over, so hey ho.

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One thing I love about Aus is the long flight over. I love travelling and part of the fun is the flight; I realise that others hate it but my flight to and fro Aus was absoloute bliss.


I thought we could all add our besties and worsts! Here's mine, pretty long-winded though, so er...you might go for a wee before starting.


My best was definately Aus. I got onto the plane (BA) at about 9pm and it was literally the day before all the airports closed in the UK due to the snow last year. Well, you have no idea how relieved I was to get there at all; I'm a very very cautious person about timings and missing buses, etc., so I was pleased as punch that I'd not only gotten the 6 hour coach there without a problem, but I'd also gotten to the right gate, on time, without any trouble! Amazing!

So there I am, content as pie, and the pilot says that because of the ice on the plane's wings, we'd have to wait twenty minutes to be de-iced and then we could go.

I was pretty chuffed because so many people had missed connection flights that I had three seats to myself way behind the wing so I could take pictures without the wing getting in the way. After travelling since 7am that morning, I was pretty pooped, so despite my extreme excitement I was fairly drowsy and nodded off. Well, after about three hours, the pilot announced that now we were being de-iced and we'd be leaving soon. Sure enough, half an hour later, we were revving up the run way and were off.

The air steward was so gay and adorable, and was careful to attend to everyone kindly. I fell asleep pretty quickly until the food trolley came round. I'm not sure about anyone else but I love is airplane food. There's something very attention-deprived about me on a plane that makes a tiny meal in cute organised pots very exciting.

We stopped over at Bangkok and were given a little gate ticket to go to. Well, let's just say, read your friggin' ticket or you end up twenty minutes jog away from the actual gate, smugly smug thinking that you're first there. Then you end up running as fast as your chubby little legs can take you to the correct gate and make it just in time.

Back on the plane and we were off, with more food and snacks, and great inflight entertainment. One thing that really distressed me was that we were three hours late for our arrival time and I'd miss my connecting flight to Brisbane. I asked the new gay steward about it and he assured me that Qantas had rebooked me, so not to worry. He was really very kind and really reassured me, and even brought me two cans of little Cokes to keep me happy.

Overall the flight was so perfect, it was easy with three seats to myself where I could pee whenever I liked, and had lots of space to spread out (although I really only had studio headphones, a jumper, and three packs of those ear plugs, cushions, and blankies).

The flight home was even better, with loads of snacks and even better inflight entertainment, and a short stopover too. I was so over the moon with Qantas, their plane was much nicer and cleaner too. I'm also fairly chubby, but I had heaps of room so the seats were fabulous.



Dont think i'd be too happy with that if i was sitting behind yer tho,especially if i had me suede desert boots on:biggrin::wink:

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LOL! I did read that and think 'Perhaps I should point out that I didn't mean on the seats...' but I figured, hey, let them think what they will! :laugh:

No worries tulip,cranks pay a lot of money for all that kind of thing im told:confused:

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