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G'Day From A Young, Slightly Homesick Aussie


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Hi there,

My name is Shawn and I'm 14 and I live in London, but I was born in Sydney. However, I moved back when I was 6, and we never returned.


And now, I'm obsessed with everything Australia. Books, flags, pictures, the whole thing. My one lifetime want is to return and live there full time. My parents don't care - been there, done that as they always say. I have photographs of me as a child at all the Sydney sights, its just reignited my desire to go.


And now, my life has a small hole in it. I'm happy in London, but whenever I see something on TV about Sydney, it makes me feel sad and kinda homesick. And I dont know why I get homesick, I literally don't remember Sydney at all, apart from one or two memories, but I feel I should be there.


But thats me babbling on. I suppose I don't have the same circumstances as most users here, so I'll be more of an observer rather than a poster! :P



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If your parents aren't willing/able to take you there on holiday, start saving. In a few years time you'll finish school and could take a year out to go backpack around Australia, or do an organised gap year style thing. If you google "gap year in Australia" or "volunteering in Australia", that should give you some ideas of what sort of things you could get up to, and how much money you'll need to have saved by then. (If you like swimming, consider training as a lifeguard, gets paid a fair bit more than the usual waitering/till operator part-time jobs - you need to be 16 when you take the exam, so can start training when you're 15)


After this, you'll be in a better position to judge whether you really want to be out in Australia or whether it's just the teenage itchy feet syndrome of wanting to fly the nest and travel, and Australia is just an obvious target for you since you were born there.


In the meantime, good cure for itchy feet syndrome is to get some travel in... Does your school run any expedition type things? or you can go with an organisation such as world challenge http://www.world-challenge-expeditions.co.uk/


good luck with everything :)

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G'day shawn. I agree with rockdr, best thing to do is try go over for a holiday. Stick in at school so you can get a good job when you move back over :) it honestly wont be long till your old enough to go over yourself. I left school at 16 and im now 21, it honestly flys in!



best of luck

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Hi there,

My name is Shawn and I'm 14 and I live in London, but I was born in Sydney. However, I moved back when I was 6, and we never returned.


And now, I'm obsessed with everything Australia. Books, flags, pictures, the whole thing. My one lifetime want is to return and live there full time. My parents don't care - been there, done that as they always say. I have photographs of me as a child at all the Sydney sights, its just reignited my desire to go.


And now, my life has a small hole in it. I'm happy in London, but whenever I see something on TV about Sydney, it makes me feel sad and kinda homesick. And I dont know why I get homesick, I literally don't remember Sydney at all, apart from one or two memories, but I feel I should be there.


But thats me babbling on. I suppose I don't have the same circumstances as most users here, so I'll be more of an observer rather than a poster! :P



its hard at your age so confusing bodychanging ect life will = just enjoy your teens.

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Do try to keep your parents onside. If you make your gap year a structured one, rather than aimless backpacking, it does boost your CV, and if you keep talking up the benefits of this, your parents should at the very least accept that you're not screwing yourself over by doing this, even if they don't agree.

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