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sills assessment


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Hiya, yes would be great to keep in contact through out the process.. so then we can keep each other sane lol.. i,m waiting on the nmc to sent me the application pack and as i havn,t seen it i,m not sure if you put aphra address down too.. like you say anmac said they would forward all documents to aphra if you request this. I havn,t got my letter from my employer yet.. what did that entale as my manager will prob ask me that!!! xx:wink:


yes i think we're gonna need it :confused:

well you can put down up to 5 addresses on the NMC application pack and i didn't know whether to put down AHPRA and ANMAC to be on the safe side (and so i don't have to pay out £34 twice) or whether it was too early to put down APHRA..


my manager stated how long i've been working in my current position (including accurate dates and hours i work etc) she bullet pointed my primary roles and responsibilities and also stated the qualifications i have achieved whilst in post..

any questions just ask.

where are you hoping to go in Australia and what type of nursing do you do?



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yes i think we're gonna need it :confused:

well you can put down up to 5 addresses on the NMC application pack and i didn't know whether to put down AHPRA and ANMAC to be on the safe side (and so i don't have to pay out £34 twice) or whether it was too early to put down APHRA..


my manager stated how long i've been working in my current position (including accurate dates and hours i work etc) she bullet pointed my primary roles and responsibilities and also stated the qualifications i have achieved whilst in post..

any questions just ask.

where are you hoping to go in Australia and what type of nursing do you do?




hiya, i think i,ll put down both addresses when i get the form , as you need to forward it to them anyways ... but maybe some one on here can help lol... wat visa u going on. i,m goin on 176 me 36, hubby 40 and leah 3. We,re heading to Perth as we know people there and they all love it. i,m a district nurse but hopefully will get employment in any of the hospitals in perth but would love district there.. THOU not in the outback lol.. when u hoping to go?? we,d love to go next year..Linda.x:biggrin:

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hiya, i think i,ll put down both addresses when i get the form , as you need to forward it to them anyways ... but maybe some one on here can help lol... wat visa u going on. i,m goin on 176 me 36, hubby 40 and leah 3. We,re heading to Perth as we know people there and they all love it. i,m a district nurse but hopefully will get employment in any of the hospitals in perth but would love district there.. THOU not in the outback lol.. when u hoping to go?? we,d love to go next year..Linda.x:biggrin:


yes that's what i am thinking, just send to both anyway, it can't hurt!

we are going on 175 (me 22, boyfriend 23 - plasterer) and heading to Brisbane as my boyfriend has family there.

i'm a children's community nurse but would happily work anywhere when i get there.

we want to go next year same as you!

we are meant to be going on a Working Holiday Visa in June so we can get stuff sorted and find out where we want to be.. but it does seem that people are getting their visas quicker due to immigration changes in July...!

its so exciting but scary at the same time! are you planning on looking for work when you get out there or looking before?


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yes that's what i am thinking, just send to both anyway, it can't hurt!

we are going on 175 (me 22, boyfriend 23 - plasterer) and heading to Brisbane as my boyfriend has family there.

i'm a children's community nurse but would happily work anywhere when i get there.

we want to go next year same as you!

we are meant to be going on a Working Holiday Visa in June so we can get stuff sorted and find out where we want to be.. but it does seem that people are getting their visas quicker due to immigration changes in July...!

its so exciting but scary at the same time! are you planning on looking for work when you get out there or looking before?



we started looking about it too when i was your age but then didn,t go ahead, wish i did now... you,re making the right decision as u,ll love it there... yes its very exciting like u say but hey think of the oppurtunities over there. better pay/ lifestyle ect. i know people say its more expensive but sure shop about and get the bargains..lol.. think u won,t get a job until your registered so when that happens i,ll look then before we go either way we,ll get jobs when we,re there. and going by what other people say there,s plenty of jobs in Aus so we shudn,t have a prob...Good luck and keep in touch. xx Linda.:jiggy::jiggy:

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Just completed mine a couple of weeks ago , MAN alive ive never done so much office work .


Im self employed so hadto do additional self certifications and obtain many job references aswell .


Solicitor will certify everything , i did 3 of each for spares and also for the rest of my application top DIAC etc , 140 documents in total !!!!


Just chip away as Dib Dibbler said and youll get through it . Dont forget to book your IELTS test sooner rather than later ( youll be doing the achedemic version to be a nurse)


My trade app SR1 form got sent to VETASSESS 2-3 weeks ago , hopefully hear back before exmas and book my test , thatll be another mile stone for me :-)



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Just completed mine a couple of weeks ago , MAN alive ive never done so much office work .


Im self employed so hadto do additional self certifications and obtain many job references aswell .


Solicitor will certify everything , i did 3 of each for spares and also for the rest of my application top DIAC etc , 140 documents in total !!!!


Just chip away as Dib Dibbler said and youll get through it . Dont forget to book your IELTS test sooner rather than later ( youll be doing the achedemic version to be a nurse)


My trade app SR1 form got sent to VETASSESS 2-3 weeks ago , hopefully hear back before exmas and book my test , thatll be another mile stone for me :-)




Hi Lee, i know its hard gathering all the docs.. well waiting for people to reply to your emails..lol..I,ve done the IELTS test already in sept, as have to send my nurse registering authority the results before i applied to do skills assessment.. all money money money..

Any way another thing of the list... yep will be seeing solicitor next week to get all certified and then apply for state sponsorship and then visa.. hope to be applying for that early next year and then the wait start,s... good luck and keep in touch. Linda and Gerard..

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all money money money..




You got that right . my skills assessment IIRC is in the region of $2100 AUD thats for a days trade test in the uk , ive alredy paid £442 sterling to VETASSESS for them to give me authority to take the test in the first place .


Dunno if its average but i think i'll personally be spending just a little under £8k UK before i set foot on Australian soil , worth it im sure but i shudder to think what couples , families etc haveto spend ??



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You got that right . my skills assessment IIRC is in the region of $2100 AUD thats for a days trade test in the uk , ive alredy paid £442 sterling to VETASSESS for them to give me authority to take the test in the first place .


Dunno if its average but i think i'll personally be spending just a little under £8k UK before i set foot on Australian soil , worth it im sure but i shudder to think what couples , families etc haveto spend ??




I know lee, it,ll cost us in the region of roughly 5k for visa,s skills asesment ect ect and god knows how much for flights.. think in region of 2k.. so it better be worth it.lol.. na it will be. Australia has a lot to offer better lifestyle ect ect. u going on ur own or with family??

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Guest mandajay

Hi Lee,

where abouts in sunny yorkshire you from?

We too are from there and cant wait to get away!


Dani5 and Linda...

I'm still waiting...

Did the big move yesterday! Finally moved out of my house :( Was the hardest thing iv ever done... but now thats over with im eager to get on to the next phase...

Keep looking at flights but until sodding APHRA pull there fingers out im stuck!

Might ring them tonight!! whats one more phone bill to add to the rest!

Oh well at least there is still wine to fall back on :)

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heya, so where you heading to and i take it u have a job all ready( which is great)..

i hope you hear from aphra very soon, i,m still waiting for a few things to come through so hope to get this all sorted by dec and then hopefully only have to wait 6-8 weeks and then apply for state sponsor and then visa.. as long as we apply for the visa before july i,ll be happy enough.. so did u sell your house then we,re not sure if to sell /remortage and rent... seeing financial adviser next week so will know more then.. think i need a wine/beer/anything..lol.

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Guest mandajay

We are heading to Freo...

Cant belive iv landed a job before iv got registration! but hey im not complaining!

Hoping to be there by Jan/Feb, but with aphra being so slow this is looking a bit optimisitc...

After long deliberations we have decided to rent the house. I dont want to put all my eggs in one basket if you like!

And ith the housing market as it is, if we sold and then came back there is no way we would get back on the property ladder. Plus its a good investment for our pesnsions.

But everyone has to do their own thing, i think you have to do whats right for you guys.


I have to say that i had a bit of a panic on when i read all your status last night.... who'd have thought there were be so much difference between visa's I havent had to do ANMAC or IELTS and the majoroty of my visa is paid for by my sponsoring hospital. Once we get there and we apply for PR im sure it will start to cost me then but hopefully it wont be as tricky as we already be there.


I hpe we all keep in touch, its great having someone other than my OH to moan at!! lol



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lol. manda.. i know people get bored when you try and tell them , what all you have to do to get to Australia.. its mad isn,t it.. I,ve just printed off the aphra overseas reg form and boy its long... i wonder if i have to get other docs to send to them or can i ones i send to anmac do???

So that,s great you have a job to go to. where and what is it??

good luck and keep in touch.. u on f/b?? maybe we could chat on that too as they have a pomz in oz page on there too..x

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Guest mandajay

There is a list of docs that are needed to go with the aphra form.

Word of advice having learnt how picky aphra is,,,

Make sure you take the declaration form from aphra with you to the court when you get your documents certified and sign it in the presence of the judge and then get that certified too... Oh yes they really are that picky!

My job is in the ED at Fremantle hospital.. that was my first choice and i am proper chuffed, i just hope i dont lose it through aphras poor performance!

so what do you do and where are planning on going and when?

you never know we might meet up somewhere on the other side of the world!

Yeah im on FB, add me if ya want x

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that is great manda you got a job and all... did you go through an agency or did you send in your cv.. i,m in district at the mo and have been for near ten years now... but have worked in the major hospitals here in belfast too.. its very exciting isn,t it but those forms are such a pain.....

Hopefully i,ll get all sorted asap.. like you we,re thinking of renting our house out too. Like you say the housing market isnm,t great but the rental is booming... and my hubbie say,s the same.. that,s our pensions..lol.. good luck and chat soon. xx

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dani5... just thinking as it can take up to 7 months to get registered with APHRA... I,M GONNA APPLY TO THEM NOW TOO...Another load of money but at least by time we get to Oz i,ll be registered (hopefully) and be able to apply for jobs when get there , or even send my cv off before we leave... my eyes/ head is sore looking at forms to fill out... got the form sent to nmc so that something done.. still waiting on nmc to send me my statement of entry (AS i can,t locate it) and also waiting on my university getting in touch with AMNAC.... And on monday i,ll have to get my manager to write my letter of employment ect ect.. just wondering when you went to solicitor did you have to show him/her the certificates before they where photocopied.. as i have a photocopy of my bert cert not original...

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dani5... just thinking as it can take up to 7 months to get registered with APHRA... I,M GONNA APPLY TO THEM NOW TOO...Another load of money but at least by time we get to Oz i,ll be registered (hopefully) and be able to apply for jobs when get there , or even send my cv off before we leave... my eyes/ head is sore looking at forms to fill out... got the form sent to nmc so that something done.. still waiting on nmc to send me my statement of entry (AS i can,t locate it) and also waiting on my university getting in touch with AMNAC.... And on monday i,ll have to get my manager to write my letter of employment ect ect.. just wondering when you went to solicitor did you have to show him/her the certificates before they where photocopied.. as i have a photocopy of my bert cert not original...


That is a good idea actually - although ANMAC will send all the document to them when they have finished ... but i guess its worth getting 2 copies of everything anyway and doing it at the same time! i have FINALLY sent off my ANMAC application which is honestly such a massive relief. i was at the point where i was completely sick of looking through forms.


The solicitor i used wanted to photocopy all of my original documents himself so he knew they were definite copies of the originals.. but another solicitor i contacted for a quote wanted me to photocopy all of my documents myself so he could just sign them - i guess it all depends on the individual solicitors but its worth checking before you go.

Sometimes they are just happy to see an original passport so there is photographic evidence that you are who you say you are..


When you say you only have a photocopy of your birth cert, is that a photocopy that you have done yourself? or a copy from the authorities?


Just to let you know we paid £50 for about 20 documents to be certified and 2 statutory declarations to be done.. so its worth shopping around to get a good price. some were quoting £150 or more (and that's just the skills assessment part)


i honestly thought it wouldn't take too long to get all my docs together but since starting this process, you can see how long it takes to get just one lot of docs sent..


anyway sorry for blabbing, just ask if you've got any more questions about ANMAC :smile:



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i know its a bit of a nightmare.. have u printed off the form aphra wants us to fill out also or do we need to do this as well or will anmac send their forms to them. know they,ll send the documents.. good for you u,ve finished the anmac process another£ 500 lighter..lol. xx re bert cert a copy i have myself.. i know a few solicitors so shudn,t be a problem..i hope.haha

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i know its a bit of a nightmare.. have u printed off the form aphra wants us to fill out also or do we need to do this as well or will anmac send their forms to them. know they,ll send the documents.. good for you u,ve finished the anmac process another£ 500 lighter..lol. xx re bert cert a copy i have myself.. i know a few solicitors so shudn,t be a problem..i hope.haha


that's good then, it should be ok :)


we've still got to complete the AHPRA application form.. don't even want to think about that at the minute haha. and it is all very expensive - so much money is going out at the minute, just gotta keep thinking that it will all be worth it in the end! x

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