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Hey all in Canberra


I was wondering what the transport links are like in ACT. We are currently debating the pro's and con's of shipping our car and I wondered if it is possible to manage without one for a while.

Assuming that we manage to get rental accommodation close to my place of work, Canberra hospital it is only my other half and son that will need to be entertained and move around! This would hopefully just be until we could afford a used car, I'm assuming that we wouldn't be able to get finance?!


Any help would be gratefully received


Thanks in advance



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Guest Guest31881

Hi Woodsy,


Welcome to PIO, I do not know what the public transport is like in Canberra but i would suggest in Australia a car would be pretty well essential for most people/families. Things do seem much further away in Australia and to try and cope without a car can be very difficult.


Hopefully someone who knows the area will be along and able to offer a more informed answer.

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Guest destinationoz

Hi Kate - we've been in Canberra for 10 weeks - we do need a car but only one as I get the bus to work and find this great. We did get finance here after 2 weeks for a car loan but needed to proove I had a job here (although I hadn't started). One car is a necessity - two depends on where you live .... other options too - walk, bike, motorbike, bus

Good luck!!

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Indeed the buses are ok but not brilliant and a car is a must really.


Second hand cars here are in general expensive, certainly compared to current UK prices but there are good deals around you just have to hunt. Whether to ship will all depend on that costing which I do not have any knowledge on.




I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=-35.171713,149.106316

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