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Satch's last few days in the UK


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OK, well today is officially Satch's second last full day in the UK.....


And it's waking up to be a lovely sunny one down here in Kent!


Her final vet visit yesterday went well - a small problem that I hope is easy to fix (I think it's already sorted, but....)


She's got a mild outer ear infection (shouldn't be a problem with flying according to Vet) and has squirty drops for 5 days. Which takes her into travel time and quarantine. I've got a letter from Vet and have emailed it to Spotswood to get their advice. Hope she's ok :(

Can't believe I didn't realise she wasn't just being a stress-head and off her food, she was actually unwell!!!


Anyway, here are a couple of photos of her in the UK:

1. Satch in her usual position @ our local - watching the kitchen

2. Satch and hung-over husband (brand new owner of a 100 visa!!) settling in to watch Wales V. France


lol :)





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Guest Karen and Colin

Hope she has a fab couple of days even though she has a sore ear. I'm sure it won't cause any problems for her and that she gets to quarantine without any drama's. Let us know how she gets on.



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Our dogs have been out of Spotwood for just over a week. The people there were absolutely amazing, one of my dogs was more exited to see one of the handlers than me when I pick them up..think he was just getting revenge after we left him for so long!

Satch will be well looked after at Spotswood, they are brilliant.

On another note, I didn't realise you own the 'boxes' the dogs are transported in, so if you want to keep yours when you collect Satch, I recommend a big car! We went in a BMW X3 and there was no where near enough room to take both of our 'travel pods, home. However, we were not planning on using them again, so I was happy for the quarantine station to destroy them for us!

Good luck with the move, Melbourne is amazing...

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Thanks for the tip - we'll be collecting Satch in Dad's 4WD - although I'm not planning on taking her on any international journeys, it might be useful to have the box if we need to move within Australia or need a kennel :)


I'm glad to hear the people at Spotswood are great - Satch is right softy and I'm worried sick about how she'll cope :(

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Satch is 6 too :)

- I'll guess that the people who say you're being cruel aren't dog owners? Stupid idiots!!


i know there are some dogs that wouldn't necessarily be able to cope, but i'm sure your darling will be fine and you're doing exactly the right thing!!

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Guest guest59652

Very caring and thoughtful bringing the dog with you into your new life. I hope the journey goes well the Satchdog. Many many animals make these journeys and cope with it well. Dogs are mans best friend - you will always have a friend if you have a dog.

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It was exhausting and weird and now the house is so empty .....

We got there early because the M25 was clear, but still didn't leave till almost 7pm!


Where did you have to go to drop off Monty? We were at Swissport, it's a bit grim and confusing!

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We had to drop him off at pet airsupply shipping. They were brilliant. our vet had accidentaly put on the wrong date of original consultation and bloods, so I nearly fainted. Luckily we got him there early enough so a last min bit of chasing and a fax and now. I hope he is on the plane. Due to take off at.10.20

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Well that is flight tracker checked currently over India. Forgot to say congrats on the visa. We have been up to our eyeballs as today is our last day in the uk. So have to finalise seafrieght and also finalise the 3 boxes we are sending via a courier. We only land in oz on 8/11 so best say all the best for your move now

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Hi we are currently sat at the airport waiting to go on holiday. Checked in with quarantine and monty is there no sores from the flight and has had a good feed. Barking like mad which is usual, so I am happy. Just wish I could ring him and tell him I'll see him soon. Handler at quarantine is great, had a good chat with her this morning. Put my mind at rest

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