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Contacting the case officer ????


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It is nearly 4 weeks since the Case Officer has had all our documents and we are getting a little anxious as in the recent post on here we are finding the 176 Visas are going through very quickly so we are thinking of emailing him to ask how long it will might take to reach a decicion but it says on the diac site not to email asking questions has anybody emailed the case officer before to ask this or should we just wait it out? any advice would be apreciated.



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Email away!!! I emailed our case officier basically saying hi you have everything but havent issued the visa- do you need more info? He pressed the magic button and we had our visa about half hour later!!!

I did keep on top of our co and harrassed him slightly as I was aware we had paid and had everything we needed so knew he could issue whenever and didnt want him to forget us!!

Goodluck and dont be scared of the CO! Ours was lovely!

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Hi again,

We emailed our case officer after sending the documents she requested.

We knew she would have received them as we sent them via DHL then waited a few weeks for her to 'process' them then emailed to confirm she had received them.

It was about 2-4 days later that we received our visa.

I'm not saying this is the right way to do it, just the way we did it :wink:

Good luck and keep us updated x

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Hello Ozzbound

I think even though they are very busy they must understand how stressed people get going through the Visa process so i think we will send the email to the case officer and see what happens.... i will let you know how we get on. Thanks for your time we really apreciate it.



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