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Stupid question, but... (Partner visa)


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Hi all,


I know that somewhere inside my brain the answer to this question is already hiding, but I can't find it amongst all the other shtuff!


Hubby's offshore spouse visa is still in the horrible waiting stage, applied ~20-23 June:


We're moving out of our house on the 23/10/11, me flying to Melbourne on that day, and him moving in with his Mum (in UK) until 8/11 when he flies to Melbourne and joins me (if necessary on an ETA, followed by the Tasman dash).


His CO knows about our plans (he's informed LG via email), but do we need to inform her formally of all our different changes of address?

He'll be staying with his Mum for 16 nights - does he need to log this as an address, or should he just change it to our Australian address (my Mum and Dads?)


Is there a form we need to fill out for the change of address, or is it enough to inform via email?


Gah, I hope you understand what I mean... i don't anymore!

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There is a form, but you can also do it over the phone as long as you've got your passport details to hand, and if you've actually got a CO, an email to her should be fine (you can always ask in the email if this is sufficient or if you need to fill out a form).


As long as there's someone at the address who can tell you you've recieved a letter, it should be fine to go straight to the australian one. They'll be contacting you by email anyway...

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I went to Oz during my application and my wife moved house in OZ whilst I was there. I emailed my CO to confirm the change in circumstances and there was no problem. I'm sure there is a form, but as long as you email and make it clear the full address then it'll be fine.


They won't actually send you any mail to the postal address anyway, so nothing to worry about. My CO never phoned me and never sent me a letter before during or after my visa application. She only ever used email. You do need to tell them if you move, but you won't miss any correspondence. The only time it might come up is if you get the 309 temporary visa and it comes to stage 2 when you are reviewed for the permanent one...just wait till near that time (2 years) and contact DIAC to confirm your address is up to date so they know where to send the forms.

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Cheers guys, That's great :)


Now just to check that husband has given her the information properly :)


We're hoping he'll get the 100 straight away since we've been living together since April 2008, but in either case are just hoping either one comes through before he flies to Oz!! Would rather avoid the Tasman dash if we can :)

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