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worries and excitement


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Hello, we had our visa granted in july, OH is heavy Diesel mechanic and has dreamed of this for some time, hopefully we are coming to perth in march for a month to check out areas, houses, school etc until we can sell up our house and come out for good.


I have a few worries as i havent told my parents yet, my mom is disabled and has been ill in hospital recently so i have been waiting for a good time to tell them (if there can be one), im an only child and know this will break her heart as she will never be able to fly out due to health probs to see us or the grandchildren, i feel so guilty about leaving but its either my marriage or my parents and i have to think of my kids futures too and think they will have a better lifestyle and opportunity in oz than uk


Im also a little worried about being "alone" once the kids (2 and 4) are at school and OH is at work, not having a friend network to rely on for help, i know i will soon meet friends but im still worried to begin with.


We have looked at the Rockingham areas around Waikiki, Port Kennedy, Baldivis etc, to me they look great, close to beach as here its 2 hour drive from the midlands lol


Also is there a catch with new build and land packages as they seem to be cheaper than older houses??? any help would be really helpful.


Sorry im wittering on just excited and worried all in one and would love some help please..

Joanne :chatterbox::hug:

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Hello, we had our visa granted in july, OH is heavy Diesel mechanic and has dreamed of this for some time, hopefully we are coming to perth in march for a month to check out areas, houses, school etc until we can sell up our house and come out for good.


I have a few worries as i havent told my parents yet, my mom is disabled and has been ill in hospital recently so i have been waiting for a good time to tell them (if there can be one), im an only child and know this will break her heart as she will never be able to fly out due to health probs to see us or the grandchildren, i feel so guilty about leaving but its either my marriage or my parents and i have to think of my kids futures too and think they will have a better lifestyle and opportunity in oz than uk


Im also a little worried about being "alone" once the kids (2 and 4) are at school and OH is at work, not having a friend network to rely on for help, i know i will soon meet friends but im still worried to begin with.


We have looked at the Rockingham areas around Waikiki, Port Kennedy, Baldivis etc, to me they look great, close to beach as here its 2 hour drive from the midlands lol


Also is there a catch with new build and land packages as they seem to be cheaper than older houses??? any help would be really helpful.


Sorry im wittering on just excited and worried all in one and would love some help please..

Joanne :chatterbox::hug:


Sorry can't help on the areas as I'm in a different part of oz, with regard to prices if you buy land separately and then build you only pay stamp duty on the land and not on the house, whereas you pay stamp duty on the land and house value combined when you buy an existing house, also new builds tend to be further away from the cbd so that may account for the cheaper prices???


Aussies are really friendly plus we've met people through this site so as long as you get yourself out there you should quickly build up a social network, how about joining a mother and toddler group? You'll probably meet mothers in the same boat them too.


Hope all goes well with breaking the news to the family x


Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk

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Guest The Pom Queen

Hi Joanne

I'm sorry to hear about your mum, unfortunately there is no good time to tell the parents, but we have to live our own life.

Why not join the sister forum http://www.perthpoms.com on there you will find other members living in Perth and they have get togethers as well so it would be great for you to meet them. Also we have a member called Tillyfloss on the http://www.britsabroad.com forum who would be more than happy to help.

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We are leaving for Perth on 26/12/11, we are staying with family in Rockingham and I hope to secure a rental around this area, at the moment I'm thinking Secret harbour but my relatives have told me the land area in older suburbs such as Port kennedy and Baldivids are much bigger, so houses are much bigger. I'm not sure if this may be part of the catch with new builds as newer houses are much smaller and my relatives have said that the building costs are literally that, drive ways, fittings, landscapes, etc are all additional costs.


I sympathise with you about telling your Mum, I too was in a similiar position a few years ago. I'm an only child and my Father passed away in 2002, my mother and I had a funny relationship but we were always there for each other as we only had each other. She didn't take the Oz news very well and saw it from a totally personal perspective, as a smoker there was NO way she was doing the 24 hour journey to Perth and was petrified of spiders so I tried to come to terms with the guilt of leaving her in the UK totally alone. This is something only you can sort out in your own head but you have your own family now but I know exactly how you must feel and there is nothing I can say to make it better, but nobody will judge you for choosing your own family (we only get one life). As for me, my Mum was diagnosed with cancer and passed away last year. BUT, my mother in law who is relatively young, married and has 2 other children in the UK has also responded very badly that we are taking her only grandchild away and will not talk about it, when she does its totally negative things. I figure we just have to make the most of our opportunity of an adventure in a new country and hopefully the results will demonstrate to family why we made such a huge change to our lives.


Like everybody else emmigrating I am scared stiff about it not working out and I think a vital part of making it work is making friends, there seems to be a lot of people on here around the Rockingham/Secret Harbour/Port Kennedy area so maybe try PM them and on the PerthPoms website there are always meet ups arranged. If we stay in touch I'd be happy to meet up, we have a 3 year old little girl so I'm going to try and find Mother and toddler groups to meet other mums.


Hope in some way my jibbering helps x

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Guest myboysjam

Hi. I feel for you regarding your parents, it's not easy, although we have told our parents and had visa granted they still won't really speak about it.


With regards to being alone, we are also making the move, not set on specific area yet but if close we could keep in touch, my oh will be working full time and I will be a stay at home mum to start with, we have 2 boys 3 and 7 and we are hoping to be out in January, if we are close we could arrange some 'play dates' for kids. I know it will be hard but I am sure it will be worth it and at the end of the day I know your parents will be heartbroken but I'm sure they will support your decision. Good luck xx

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Thank you "scarlett and myboysjam" for your reply's, would be nice to keep in touch and hopefully meet when we are over there... good luck with your moves xx

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