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Notorized or Certified


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Hello All,


I am preparing the documents for ACS submissing and I am confused about the Notorization/Certification of my docs. I have been calling few local lawyers here in illinois, USA and none of them certify documents, so I am kind of confused.


Are notorised copies enough for ACS/DCIA or do they have to be certified. Please let me know. If certified copies are necessary, do you guys know who does that in the US? I learnt that Notory public in the state of illinois do not have the power to certify documents and this is beginning to be a road block for me.


Thanks for the help.

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Hi. I'm a qualified lawyer in Victoria, Australia and the state of New York and live in NY. Lawyers generally in the US don't certify copies of documents. This is the province of notaries public who in law fims are generally para-legal clerks. Some states here, strangely, do not allow their notaries public to certify copies of original documents. So you will have to find a state near you that does allow notaries public to certify them. All that certifying means is that the person certifying is saying the copy is a true copy of the original.


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