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question regarding medicals


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It's because when they check your water it will usually show blood. I did mine at Birmingham and explained that I was menstruating they told me to try anyway , unfortunately my urine showed a trace of blood and I had to redo at the end of my cycle, I was going back with my husband a few days later and everything was clear. but the clinic said if I wasn't going back it's not a problem as you can hand in a sample at your own doctors and they can forward the results.

Hope this helps.

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Guest boots

Hey ladies,


Our medicals are next Thursday 21st, I am due to finish my monthly perscription of pill this weekend however because of likelyhood of blood being in my urine next week I have decided to continue my perscription and not take a break at all! Would this be feasible for my urine sample to be clear?



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Piggyback your pills ( continue to the next pack ) without the 7 day break and you shouldnt have a bleed. Unless there's any other problems causing blood in the urine like infection - you should be fine. Good luck.

Rachel x

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Guest jubbsy

I was mid-period in my medical, used a large tampon but still had blood in urine. They told me to drink lots of water and tested me again after an hour or so. Result was fine, no blood. (Got visa week later, we go in 121 days, HOORAY!!!)

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