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Physiotherapy registration


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hi guys,


New to the forum and looking for some advice.


I am a permanent resident currently in England with my boyfriend. We are looking to come back to Australia next year but just looking at the options for his career.


We are trying to find the best but also cheapest viable option.

The partner visa works out better than a skilled migration visa for him based on the cost of visas. However, can anyone tell me if a skilled migration visa includes trades tests and everything needed that he wouldn't then have to do exams and clinicals with the board of physios?


My last question is...is it still possible for him to register as a physio in New Zealand and then use the trans-tasman agreement to work in Australia or does anyone know if options like this have been scrapped.


The cost different is quite substantial...its about £615 pounds for new Zealand registrations compared to about £2000 for Australian.


I know this isn't the ideal way to go about things but it would save us an incredible amount of money.


Thanks in advance for any replies



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