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can you over do the research?


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As the title suggests can you over do the research? I think research is important without it I would have just turned up in Australia without knowing about tradesman licensing since it wasn't as important last time I was there.


So whilst it's important can you over do the research ie research a place or area to live read all about it then arrive only to find it isn't anything like you pictured, can over research be damaging?

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Guest smileykylie

I heard a great term on another forum - analysis paralysis.


I think in most things in life you need a balance of research and gut feeling with a bit of risk thrown in.

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We did almost 3 years of research, maybe we over killed i don't know! But we found it doesn't matter how much you do, nothing really prepares you for the move, once your in oz things can be so different once you experience life first hand!

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Guest guest36187

I think u can do too much. OH did enough for him. I was the opposite. If I didn't know I would not be disappointed!!!! Risky I know but worked for me!!!! Lol

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Love it analysis paralysis - I agree I've pretty much stopped researching, I know what I need to do for my trade license which is the only thing I m concerned about. occasionally if someone mentions a place or area I might look it up.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

We visited Australia twice for a month each time and we saw for ourselves how much houses cost, just how incredibly huge they were compared to the average uk house, how the cost of living compared, to us it was almost identical, just how fantastic the life was over there, with the outdoor lifestyle, warm seas and stunning beaches, plus being able to sit out everynight because it was really warm. You can google all you want, but experiencing it is the only real way of getting a true feel for it, but ............... visiting doesn't fully prepare you for actually emigrating, yes' you know it is fantastic, but until you get there you don't know just how much you will miss everyone and everything from the uk. Best of luck

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People seem to do the wrong type of research. How much do lemons cost? That type of thing, no matter what the exchange rate people need to find out how much they'll be earning because it doesn't matter what the exchange rate is, it comes down to how much they get paid!


I think the other thing people don't think about is their life in the UK, where they live and what's important to them, here and now. If they go to the pub every night will they want that same lifestyle, if they enjoy the feeling of living history will a beach town suit them? Some people seem to look at this new life and forget what they are leaving and then whinge because they have lost what they had. Where if they done a little more thinking about what is important to them in the UK and incorporated in to what they are looking for in their new life in Australia the transition may not be so traumatic!


IMHO the people that settle well, are the ones that feel they haven't given up to much and what they have given up is nothing to their personal gain.

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Guest tandcmum

I have researched, i've had to look into different areas to decide which job offer to take. I've looked at the local newspapers, ive read forums, ive looked up how much i will be earning and tried to budget using Oz prices for stuff, I've looked at rental properties and properties for sale, suburbs, schools, shopping centres, things to do but i know until we get there i can't be sure of exactly how things will work out, part of the adventure i guess, but i think you have to do some reasonable research as you cannot go into it blind.


also as Tracey has said we have looked into what we have in the UK and what we will miss. Not family as we have none close anyway adn we are an independednt family unit as we are, although i am conscious that visiting my parents will no longer comprise a 5 hour car journey and a weekend trip. I won't miss my house, i don't have one!!! we have come to the conclusion that the only thing that would keep me in the UK is my job which i do love and enjoy, but hey it's just a job and as a nurse there are plently more of them in Oz than there is in the UK right now.

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People seem to do the wrong type of research. How much do lemons cost? That type of thing, no matter what the exchange rate people need to find out how much they'll be earning because it doesn't matter what the exchange rate is, it comes down to how much they get paid!


I think the other thing people don't think about is their life in the UK, where they live and what's important to them, here and now. If they go to the pub every night will they want that same lifestyle, if they enjoy the feeling of living history will a beach town suit them? Some people seem to look at this new life and forget what they are leaving and then whinge because they have lost what they had. Where if they done a little more thinking about what is important to them in the UK and incorporated in to what they are looking for in their new life in Australia the transition may not be so traumatic!


IMHO the people that settle well, are the ones that feel they haven't given up to much and what they have given up is nothing to their personal gain.


Or as in my case have nothing to lose

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