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Moving to Brisbane - schools query


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Hi there

We're looking to relocate to Brisbane from Christchurch NZ at the beginning of next year. We're Brits and will have been living here for 6 years by then (citizens so need to sort out visas etc, thank God).

I will be dragging my kids screaming and kicking with me as they cannot understand why on earth we want to leave here (despite the earthquake and continuous aftershocks) - especially my 13 year old who is in year 9 at High School (they start high school in year 9 in NZ) and absolutely loves her new school. I really do have to make sure we make a sensible choice re high schools (private is not an option, I'm afraid) as I don't want to have to move her again - the kids have all had more than enough to contend with recently! Looking roughly around the Redcliffe area (we're fairly flexible though), what are the high schools like? She's in the top stream, is quite nerdy, loves books, English, art and music - not remotely sporty!!

If anyone could help, I'd be grateful.

Many thanks in advance!


PS I can't believe how cheap properties/rentals are over there compared with here!!

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