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Telephone Interview for Nursing in WA

Guest ScouseandSpouse

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Guest ScouseandSpouse

I wonder if anyone can give me any pointers regarding an upcoming telephone interview. I am a Mental Health Nurse with 16 years experience and I responded to a Gov. Advert in a Nursing Journal in England.


I've been contacted and asked for my availability regarding a telephone interview which will be '15 minutes long, with no preperation needed'.


I was after some tips on questions I should be asking, and what sort of questions to expect to be asked? (& if anyone wants to pretend to be me so my Liverpudlian accent doesn't put them off that would be great too :-)


Cheers for any help guys.

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15 mins - not very long. If you're not being interviewed for a specific job then it may just be a general interview about you and your experience etc., I'd jot some things down about what you've done and what you'd like to do in the future, throw in some qualities about yourself as a person in the work environment e.g. committed, enthusiastic, works well with a team etc.,


If it were for a specific job - they would have a selction criteria and the questions would be such that they'd test you against the selection critereria - usually a scenario something about governance or research etc.


I'm sure you'll do great - drop me a line if you need any help (I work in community mental health).


Good Luck


Ali x

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Guest tandcmum



I have had the same interview a while back, I presume it is with the WA health office in the UK. It realy isn't an interview and you don't need to prepare. All they are asking is how you are getting on with your AHPRA if you have started it, where you would liketo work, who i moving over with you, timescales that sort of thing. They then will put your cv into the pool specific for your skills and then you will be contacted directly by the hospital interested in you.


I had the same telephone interview (which isn't really one) and the lady who does them is lovely and we had a really good chat. I then got an email a few weeks later from one of the hospitals who did a proper telephone interview and offered me a job.


Good luck with it, i fi can be of any further help let me know

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Guest ScouseandSpouse

Thanks for the replies, I'll write a few things down prior to the 'interview' so as not to sound too rambling. The advert said about relocation packages, any ideas of the type of things Western Australia Govt. help with? (I promise once I know more I'll start answering other people's questions instead of just asking!

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Flights, shipping expenses - they may arrange (but not pay for) some short term accommodation, or they may contribut to the first couple of weeks rent. Ask this as one of your questions and good luck

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Guest tandcmum

I have been offered no relocation package whatsoever with WA health, however some of the more regional areas or different nursing specialities may be offered something

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest ScouseandSpouse

I had the 'interview' (which isn't really an interview). No relocation package as you said tandcmum, but the lady was nice and I need to send a few things on to her and wait for my ahpra registration. The long slow road has just crested another hill!

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