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Please advise - CO info


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Hubby has been asked to provide work references for CO.


Do COs contact your current employer??? He hasn't told his employer that we are emigrating and doesn't want to until we have a visa and clear idea of when we are going.


Please advise :shocked:

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Sounds like he is gonna have to bite the bullet and tell them....I was lucky in the fact that I took voluntary redundancy after 23 years and getting references for me was easy...try and get everything written on company headed notepaper just to make it look better :-)

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Did you submit any evidence of your OH's employment with your visa, or is this the first thing they have asked for? We're just in the process of sorting out documents in order to apply, and I've opted to try a statutory declaration witnessed by a notary public, as I'm not ready to tell my employer yet, and he wouldn't make life particularly easy for me if he did know. I am backing this up with signed employment contracts, salary review official letters, professional registration, business cards, P60s and payslips for last 5 years and a few other things - in anyone else's eyes I'm being honest, but we'll have to wait and see what the DIAC think! If they still ask for one once a CO is assigned, then I'll bite the bullet and tell him, as at the moment it could 18 months+ before we actually leave, and hopefully by CO time, it'll only be down to maybe 3 or 4 months.


Good luck!!

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Guest bakercrew

We had the same thing happen to us, unfortunately c/o said we had to supply a work ref from the manager. So had to break the news to the General Manager. My hubbie told his manager that he is just starting the process and will be working for the company for at least 6 months before leaving and he was fine about it. Once we had the letter and scanned over to agent the c/o was happy and changed our form to met. Just waiting for medicals to be finalised.


Dont get a work colleague to do a ref, we tried that and was told still got to go via manager. Good luck

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Hi all


We didn't need to provide it in the end as we had provided enough evidence in other areas. Hubby provided so much work experience evidence that the system wouldn't accept any further doc as it had reached capacity. Happy to say that we now have our visa :biggrin:

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Hi Sherbet, that's fantastic news, and gives me real hope that I can keep it from my employer for a while yet!! Do you mind me asking what evidence he provided, to see if there's something glaringly obvious that I'm missing!! :biggrin:


Hiya - no probs. He did Duty lists for the past two employers plus a payslip from each company he worked for for the last 4 years and employment contracts.


Good luck! :biggrin:

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  • 7 months later...
Guest santosh2103

Hi Its great to see that you got your visa approval.

I want to understand that was the statutory declaration witnessed by a notary public enough for the purpose of evidence for specific work experience.

Even i am in a fix since still havent procured the reference letters from my ex-employer with whom i worked for a period of 4 years.

Want to know if the statutory declaration witnessed by a notary public works .. Please keep me informed


Appreciate your time and advice

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