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Mortgage Redemtion Dilema


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Hi guys

Have been pondering this one for a while now, just would love some feedback/thoughts We have £5000 redemption fees on our mortgage that end 31st Oct this year. Would it be worth waiting to sell until then or just going for it now? My concern is that if we dont get over until November then most places will be going on shutdown plus airfares will be higher so the £5k will be used in other ways anyway. Just dont know what to do really.....

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All depends if you have a buyer already, market the house now and see what happens if you get what you want is it going to make a difference. REnt house for 6 months and then sell with no redemption fees is always an option i suppose.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Hi guys

Have been pondering this one for a while now, just would love some feedback/thoughts We have £5000 redemption fees on our mortgage that end 31st Oct this year. Would it be worth waiting to sell until then or just going for it now? My concern is that if we dont get over until November then most places will be going on shutdown plus airfares will be higher so the £5k will be used in other ways anyway. Just dont know what to do really.....


I don't understand what this Shutdown' term is about? just curious what is shutting down? As for flights, they might go up over christmas and new year and maybe at other holidays, but most other times they are lower, they are still dear, but go on the sites now and see if they are on offer, you never know you might pick up a deal, and i would wait for the 31st of October and save the 5 grand, best of luck.

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Oct 31 is nearly 5 months away. Depends what the housing market is like in your area of course, but in your shoes I would market the house and see what happens. You can push your conveyancing time to 3 months anyway, 12 weeks is not an unusual time to take to sell a house. That gives you 8 weeks to find a buyer, 12 weeks to sell, bingo - end of October.

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