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planning ahead

Guest tazigail

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Guest tazigail

Hi :)



I'm 17, currently at college studying psychology, law, communication and culture and sociology. I already have an australian visa and have to be in the country by May 2012, along with my family.


I hope to go into either social work or counselling when I get over there but also hope to go to uni. Is it hard to get into uni in oz? and are there many jobs in either of those categories in western australia (perth)?





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Hi :)



I'm 17, currently at college studying psychology, law, communication and culture and sociology. I already have an australian visa and have to be in the country by May 2012, along with my family.


I hope to go into either social work or counselling when I get over there but also hope to go to uni. Is it hard to get into uni in oz? and are there many jobs in either of those categories in western australia (perth)?






Hi Abi,

I'm moving to Perth in Sept and looked at doing a Social Science degree at Curtains University in Perth, as I studied counselling in London. But because i'll only be on a temp visa (4 years) i'll technically be an 'over seas student' and the uni fees are horrific! If you’re going on a permanent visa (so you will be classed as a resident) then you’ll only have to pay the domestic rates which are way cheaper.

I'd google some unis near where you'd be living and email them describing your situation and see their responses. Maybe your age might help, as I'm 22 and classed as an adult. I've also looked at the work situation for Social Care and it seems much better than the UK for sure!

Hope that helps and good luck!


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Guest tazigail
Hi Abi,

I'm moving to Perth in Sept and looked at doing a Social Science degree at Curtains University in Perth, as I studied counselling in London. But because i'll only be on a temp visa (4 years) i'll technically be an 'over seas student' and the uni fees are horrific! If you’re going on a permanent visa (so you will be classed as a resident) then you’ll only have to pay the domestic rates which are way cheaper.

I'd google some unis near where you'd be living and email them describing your situation and see their responses. Maybe your age might help, as I'm 22 and classed as an adult. I've also looked at the work situation for Social Care and it seems much better than the UK for sure!

Hope that helps and good luck!


Hi Sandra.


Thanks for replying. I recently had a careers meeting at college and they gave me numerous propectus' on universities in WA which helped a lot. But I will email and enquire about about it and find out more info. Thanks for your help and good luck with the move, let me know how you get on!



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