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Got Visa, what now ?


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Bit of a broad question....you could "start planning the move"?


It all depends on when you want to go, where you want to go, do you have commitments (house etc), dependents (schools etc). You may want to be a bit more specific in what you want to know.

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Bit of a broad question....you could "start planning the move"?


It all depends on when you want to go, where you want to go, do you have commitments (house etc), dependents (schools etc). You may want to be a bit more specific in what you want to know.


Ok, sorry i'll try to be a bit more specific, we will be in Perth either december or Jan ( thats another post !) We will be renting our property in UK, we have 2 children (3+11) I'm looking for a list that must be done i.e


1) book flights

2) get quotes from movers

3) Apply for jobs etc......



I Suppose its the 'start planning the move' that Im asking help for !



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We just made a list with things that needed to be done and then ranked them in order of time it takes to get it sorted and when it needs to be sorted by.


You have plenty of time, we felt once we booked the flights we had a set date and worked from there. Just write down all the things you can come up with, add stuff later you forgot and then start ticking things off the list once you have done it.


Maybe someone has a premade list for you hehe, but it's really common sense, write up and start doing I say :)


I have no kids so that makes it a little more complicated I guess, but plenty of families on here who can give you tips :)

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Guest siamsusie

Hi Woody and family,


I am delighted to hear you now have your Visa.


Enclosing a couple of links for you which might prove useful http://www.australia-migration.com/page/The_Move_checklist/116






Good luck and happy planning!


Susie x

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Guest lillybeech
We have just received our visa, What would now be your next steps ? I do have a list of things but would anyone be able to confirm just so I've not missed anything............cheers

congrats on getting your visas, we have just got ours this morning. we are heading to perth but a bit like you don't know where to start. don't think its sunk in yet.

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congrats on getting your visas, we have just got ours this morning. we are heading to perth but a bit like you don't know where to start. don't think its sunk in yet.



Thanks and congrats on getting your visa, its strange really, when we first started the visa process everything seemed like a minefield with all the abbreviations, visa subclasses, registrations etc..... BUT we got through it all with NO agent and the fantastic help fom people here on PIO, I suppose we are now starting again at that point but with different things to do, If you know what I mean ??? I'm sure everything will eventually fall into place !!!!

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Alrite woody

Theres a thread/list called "Really usefull to do list" with loads of things on it,i think its in the back of Australia and New Zealand magazine as well a good source on here said?or i can probably find it if you want?ive asked for it to be made a STICKY thread,i think its handy meself,obviously it wont ALL apply to everyone but its detailed


Just seen susies links,its much the same as that tbh

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Guest Karen n Nige

Hi we're also moving to Perth - Booked our flights last week for 6th November and also arranged to rent a property for the first 5 weeks we're there :)

Just to let you know, out of the removal quotes we received John Mason were the cheapest by far.

Good luck with the move

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Alrite woody

Theres a thread/list called "Really usefull to do list" with loads of things on it,i think its in the back of Australia and New Zealand magazine as well a good source on here said?or i can probably find it if you want?ive asked for it to be made a STICKY thread,i think its handy meself,obviously it wont ALL apply to everyone but its detailed


Just seen susies links,its much the same as that tbh



Thanks Pablo, I know i've seen something on here in the past but just couldn't find it, now I know the title i'll have a look.........

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Guest lillybeech
Hi we're also moving to Perth - Booked our flights last week for 6th November and also arranged to rent a property for the first 5 weeks we're there :)

Just to let you know, out of the removal quotes we received John Mason were the cheapest by far.

Good luck with the move

thats great I will ring john masons tom for a quote, rang seven seas today they did'nt seem that bad. we are not shipping much just photos and clothes mainley. where abouts in perth are you heading too.

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Guest Karen n Nige

We're not taking too much stuff (not even half a container!) Pickfords want £2800 and John Mason £2000!


We're heading to Joondalup, where were you thinking of going?

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