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Medicals how strict are they?

Guest berkworths

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Guest berkworths

Hi all, wondered if anyone can help, do you know how strict they are with regards to your weight? if you are above your average weight for your height do they require you to have extra tests? or if you are healthy and no other med probs are they ok? I know it seems silly but think that we are worring got our meds in a few weeks and know that although been trying to lose a few pounds, that bmi and average weight with height is over what it should be on the charts for normal , however we are both healthy and active. Just wondered if anyone else had this and if it caused any probs ? im not talking stones and stones overweight just my hubby is worring as he is just under 6 ft and weight should be around 14 stone, however he is over this weight but active and constantly on the go and heathly , been trying to lose a bit but things been so manic here just not had the time to do as much as we would have liked, hope this we are worring over nothing . Comments on experience welcome


Cheers kell:chatterbox:

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Lots of people worry about being over weight so your concerns are entirely normal.


The reality is that being overweight will not be a barrier to immigration. You would have to be extremely overweight to be asked to go for more tests, BMI of over 40 I think. A BMI over 30 coudl result in the medicals being referred, but lots of medicals get referred and unless there is some other medical condition it will not be a problem.


It sounds like you are only talking about being maybe a point or two above the average, this really is nothing to worry about.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Emily82Surf

Tat's a relief. When doing the medical for NZ residency it was a nightmare. Extra tests, and then told to get BMI down and not contact them until i had :frown:

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Guest alison and Simon

I am 12 stone and 5'4 - dont tell anyone though lol:twitcy:

Son is overweight - he flew through as well!


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Guest conquest



We had our medicals at Hartswood. I am overweight, had high blood pressure and recently had an op for an existing medical condition. Doctor didnt seem fussed by any of this, infact i was in and out of his chair in under 5 minutes. My husband was in there for approx 2 mins.


Medicals were refered for 1 week and then finalised.



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Im 5' 11" and 17.5 stone, the medical doctor told me I was fit for my size and frame. No problems on my Medical,


Good luck

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like all Docs they will mention your weight , they did with my wife and also my MIL.......thats there job , it wont stop any advance on your visa ........thats providing you can fit though a plane door ect ......as ive said before ,i was worried to death about the final hurdle , as i WAS a smoker , drinker and HAD a beer belly, drank every night , but i flew though it ..........dont worry about it ...........

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