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What % of salary should you allocate to rent?

Guest Gordon Cullen

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Guest Gordon Cullen

Hi All,


From what I can see the average salary for my job (Electrical Project Manager) is in the region of $100k per year in Brisbane and was hoping someone could advise what a sensible monthly rent expediture would be?


I will be moving to Oz with my girlfriend and again our research says she will earn an average $70k per year (Electrical Design Engineer), to us that seems like a fair amount of money coming into the household but we are unsure of general cost of living costs.


I am 29 and she is 25 so we are both fairly young and still like to enjoy life a little. We enjoy going out to pubs and clubs and eating in nice restaurants etc, so having a proportition of expendable income for entertainment purposes is important to us but we would also like a nice home at the same time.


Any help would be appreciated?



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ABout 30% is the ideal amount (after tax), so I was told. Seems like we're both earning almost the same amount. We are paying about 260pw (furnished) for a really tiny studio apartment, that's about 25% of my salary. We hope to move to a 2br apartment, for about 500pw soon (unfurnished). Don't forget to calculate utilities, internet, etc!

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Hi Gordon


with that sort of earning power you can afford almost anything, if you are young enough i would look at buying my own place, to me renting is throwing away money, i know its best to rent at first, but you could afford a big mortgage on your wages, best of luck.

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Guest MattnEm

We are paying 465 a week for Fully Furnished in Kangaroo Point area. Typing that figure upset me...im going to go somewhere and weep.

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Guest guest30038
From those kind of figures.......a nice place! We will have no more than $60K coming in initally, from one salary and feel that $350-400 a week will be tight but with overtime and all this should bump it up a bit. Look on www.realestate.com.au for a gauge of what you can get for your money.....


Don't forget mate that you will have family tax benefit coming in...........ask for it to be paid fortnightly and not annually, and you'll also get rent rebate on your salary with your family size considered.


Also, when you do decide to buy a motor, (if on credit) salary sacrifice the payment towards it.



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Don't forget mate that you will have family tax benefit coming in...........ask for it to be paid fortnightly and not annually, and you'll also get rent rebate on your salary with your family size considered.


Also, when you do decide to buy a motor, (if on credit) salary sacrifice the payment towards it.



Hi mate,


I am not sure we qualify for family tax on the 457 visa? Don't you have to be permanent resident for any benefits? rent rebate and salary sacrifice are new concepts for us, I understand a little but hope that you can enlighten me as to the in's and outs...............

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