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Help me pleasee


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:confused: I feel a bit/lot lost! theres nowt worse that not knowing where to turn...Perhaps its me being ultra thick..but here goes. Iam at present living in the UK but badly want to go to OZ, Iam a gas fitter/plumber, however, I dont mind a career change. Im at a loss as to who too turn to for help. I need a proper CV doing to send to prospective employers, where/how do I apply for a job(dont care which area/state), its probably worth noting/telling you that I have a permanent residency visa, a tax no and a full queensland driving licence I lived in Mackay for a short while with my wife, shes still there (pharmacist) its a long boring story involving me being an idiot - ANY help would be marvelous - many thanks Rick (the wifes not an option coz Im an ass):sad::cry:

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

One of the girls on here does CV writing for people, i will look on the Womens thread and get back to you, as for work .............. i'm no expert but i would have thought plumbers would be needed in and around Brisbane, just like any major city, but i am sure someone will let you know. Best of luck.

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Hi and welcome to PIO...

Before you think of anything you need to see if you qualify for a visa with your skills ,there are a few good agents out there and many will offer you a free phone consultation to point you in the right direction.


Also be aware that a Plumber or Gas Fitter in most states will require Australian trade recognition beside ANY skills assesemnt or proof you provide for the visa before being able to work in that proffesion. Different states have different rules about this ,so once you know where you can get a visa for ,it may be worth looking into.


Hope this helps

Cal x

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Guest tandcmum

If you have a PR visa already can't you just head back over and get a job once you are there. I woul have thought if you are already a permenant resident you can do what you like

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Guest DaneD

they are not the best places to visit, but your local job centre should be able to help with putting your c.v together too.


saying that, i am sure i read somewhere on this site that aussie c.v's differ from uk ones.... maybe someone could elaborate on that.

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Hey 2and3, yeah iam really down, but purely all my fault, I had it all, beautiful wife( shes the pharmacist in Andergrove) great life, a house in Mackay everyday on the beach you know, the kind of thing you throw away - like you do!! Just trying to find some direction thats all

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