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can you pick up granted visa sticker anywhere?

Guest speedbird

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Guest speedbird



Do you have to collect a granted visa sticker (for your passport) in the country where you lodged the application, or, can you pick it up elsewhere (but not in Australia- as application was offshore) ?


we will be in singapore and going back to london where the application was lodged from will be a big waste of money if we have to do that. anyone have any expereince of this iissue ?



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Guest Ph0en1x

As long as DIAC have your current passport number you will not need your visa sticker. Its all computerised with Immigration at the airport

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Guest siamsusie

I just picked up mine in Australia despite lodging off shore. Very painless and took 2 mins.


I have found it very useful because I work in Asia to have the sticker inserted in the passport, there have been times when my PR visa has not shown up on the various airlines system!



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