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Offshore/Onshore price differences for De Facto Visa.

Guest soopheh

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Guest soopheh

Hi all,


Have had some great tips and advice from my other post. Just had one last thing to ask and didn't want to drag my other thread on..


I keep reading on here that to apply offshore for a De Facto visa works out cheaper and faster than applying onshore. The DIAC site is pretty confusing for me so maybe someone can clear it up for me.


Firstly, is a De Facto visa the same as/a different name for Spouse visa?


Please can somebody outline all the costs involved, both for offshore and onshore applications. Is there just the one main fee? Processing times would be helpful too.


Thanks! :)



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Guest siamsusie
Hi all,


Have had some great tips and advice from my other post. Just had one last thing to ask and didn't want to drag my other thread on..


I keep reading on here that to apply offshore for a De Facto visa works out cheaper and faster than applying onshore. The DIAC site is pretty confusing for me so maybe someone can clear it up for me.


Firstly, is a De Facto visa the same as/a different name for Spouse visa?


Please can somebody outline all the costs involved, both for offshore and onshore applications. Is there just the one main fee? Processing times would be helpful too.


Thanks! :)




Hi Sophie,


Welcome to Poms In Oz.


Yes Defacto has the same meaning a spouse.


The costs should be outlined within 40SP http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/booklets/books1.htm



On shore which is an 820 ...http://www.immi.gov.au/migrants/partners/partner/820-801/


You will then have your police checks which are required for every country you have lived in for the last 10 years for 12 months and over


If you are lodging off shore then the cost of a Solicitor/JP to witness your stat decs

On shore, you had get these done usually for free





Best wishes


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Guest soopheh

Brilliant, thanks so much for that info. ANy idea approx how much we'd be looking at for those police checks, medicals, solicitor in UK? Also I'm on a WHV in Aus right now. Not sure of a date I'll be going home yet, but if I leave literally on my last day (and so exactly 12 months to the day I'll have been in Aus), will I still need a police check for here?


Thanks for your quick responses!

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Guest siamsusie

Yes Sophie Australian police check will be required.

The Medicals are determined by whichever Panel Doctor you see.



So you can call the nearest to you and ask for a quote.


The Solicitors vary, anything from nothing (on the very off occasion I see this lol) to 5 pounds or 10 pounds per item to be stat decd.

If you are here in Australia, Sophie my advice would be much nearer the time you are due to go back to the UK, try and get as much stat decd here in Australia, it is pain free in Australia!


I think my Aussie Police check was in the region of $49 or so (done 2 yrs ago) but someone will clarify.

Also my UK PC was in the region of 60 pounds I think (??)



Susie x

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Guest siamsusie

I have forgotten to add....


Dependent on the Panel Dr. you might have to account for radiology (x rays) also.


Not sure of the price there.

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Yes you will need to have an Oz police check done as well. I was on a WHV and needed one. My advice would be to apply for your Oz police check before you leave if you are planning to apply the moment you get back to UK. It will be valid for a year so providing you are ready to apply asap it will be easier to do while you are in oz as it requires a cheque or Bankers order and has to be from an Oz account. You can download the form on the www.afp.gov.au and it is $43. Your UK one will be 35 pounds or 70 pounds if you want it quicker. You can get the form on www.acpo.police.uk

Medicals will vary according to where you go for them. I paid about 220 pounds for mine in London. You can get all your documents certified by a solicitor or a JP. You need to shop around to find the best prices - some will charge per document whilst others will do you a job lot. You can try going to your local courthouse where some JP's may do it for free. Ask people you know to see if anyone knows a solicitor that might be willing to do it for free - always worth a try!

As others have already said it is cheaper to apply offshore, I think the current processing times are 6 - 9 months. Good Luck with your application!

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