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New points system total confusion and dismay

Guest Lucy Furness

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Guest Lucy Furness

:sad:Hey everyone!

I'm writing this post in a bit of a ''down in the dumps'' state!!

Having gone through this process with the help of an agent and spending thousands for them to do our paperwork, we are now told that we have no chance of getting anything done by 1st July before the changes. The agent was slow to send our bits off and my husband (an electrician) has already paid for the Vetassess paper in order to do the practical. (Not to mention many thousands of £ as agents fees) The next practical is on 11th July (beyond the deadline of course).

My agent is being very vague, but suggests we DON'T now pay for or do the vetassess practical, as she's not sure whether it's going to be worth it! Oh great!!!

We were applying for State Sponsored in Perth, but now she's saying the only option may be for him to now find work sponsored employment!!!

This, she says, is all due to the changes in the points system, which we now don't make enough points for.

I am gutted... Not only have we spent thousands on this, we have invested so much time and emotion in the whole thing. I feel like it's all been for nothing and we may as well have done it all ourselves.

I understand that this new points system is unclear right now, but feel that enough has been on the internet for my agent to have had a better idea before letting us continue.

I'm so worried that my husbands trade will no longer get us there. He has been trading for 8 years but has no degree, just C&G.

Is anyone else out there as confused/concerned/utterly unhappy as me?????

Cheers for reading my rant!


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Guest guest30085

Hi Lucy


it sounds like you need a cyber :hug:


When did you first instruct your agent?


And was there a chance you could have taken the VETASSESS before now but for various reasons this wasnt done?

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Guest Lucy Furness

We got our agent at the end of February. We then recieved the confirmation from Vetassess on 4th April for applicant declaration and application record, all done and paid for. We just recieved 2 days ago the email from vetassess with 2 dates for Rob's test... 4th June (which was fully booked!) or 11th July (spaces available)

So I called my agent , who then said she would advise we held off from doing the test as we may be wasting our time!!! I wonder if they could have got things done sooner?? Who knows?

My husband is 38 years old, so we still have some time, but I'm really concerned now that lots will change and we will have to go down a different route altogether.

I asked my agent if she had any ideas about employment and her answer was ''well, jobs aren't exactly advertised on go seek website, Lucy! He'll have to find one himself!''


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Guest guest30085
We got our agent at the end of February. We then recieved the confirmation from Vetassess on 4th April for applicant declaration and application record, all done and paid for. We just recieved 2 days ago the email from vetassess with 2 dates for Rob's test... 4th June (which was fully booked!) or 11th July (spaces available)

So I called my agent , who then said she would advise we held off from doing the test as we may be wasting our time!!! I wonder if they could have got things done sooner?? Who knows?

My husband is 38 years old, so we still have some time, but I'm really concerned now that lots will change and we will have to go down a different route altogether.

I asked my agent if she had any ideas about employment and her answer was ''well, jobs aren't exactly advertised on go seek website, Lucy! He'll have to find one himself!''



Im not really clued up on VETASSESS timelines, Im helping someone with a TRA so I know the timelines on that. Im just wondering if there was something your agent could have done sooner (sent info off sooner etc) to give you at least a fighting chance of getting in before July 1st, if you dont qualify under the new points system which you may do if (just seen the above) he takes the English test

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