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18 Months from now?


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We are in the midst of moving to Perth from the UK process should take apprx 12 months from now. Once we are there we will probably rent as the ex-rate is shocking $1.53 compared to previous historical levels. What are the predictions for 18 months down the road for ex-rates and house prices compared to now?


I know there are numerous micro & macro variables that could effect this outcome but would still be interested to hear peoples thoughts / predictions.


Anybody barve enough to go first:biggrin:?



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Guest The Pom Queen

Anybody brave enough to go first:biggrin:?




LOL guess that's a no:biggrin:

It really is uncertain times. Personally I feel property will continue to rise in Oz although I know not everyone has the same thoughts. In regards to the exchange rate the best person to ask would be John from Moneycorp.

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I guess whatever happens to change the exchange rate it would probably have to be quite dramatic. eg. UK to suddenly start raising interest rates, at same time Australia to start cutting theirs.


I can't recall for certain but I think the rate took about 18 months to drop from around $1.90 to $1.50 ish. So I suppose in 18 months it COULD go back up again - but see above.

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Ok. My crystal ball is a little cloudy...

Hang on its clearing slowly and I can see... hang on.... oh yes there it is $1.38



Wow remind me not to use your crystal ball!


I was thinking we might see $1.80 and my reasons being are:-


The Oz mining boom alone is not sufficient by itself requires support from other industries to support growth. - This not happening

House prices to retract by 10-20%

This will put pressure on interest rates to come down in Oz

Interest rates will probably increase in uk.

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Guest Karen and Euan

Hi Jambos,


I have no expertise in this field but have been doing alot of research today to try and get an idea of what the future holds. Everything I have read is very possitive and the expectation is for the ozzie $ to stay strong for a while.


I think cos Oz has low unemployment rates this can only support the economy. However i agree with you that the mining industry cant keep all of oz afloat, I think I read that house prices dropped in the last quater in melbourne & sydney and that oz are reducing the number of houses they had planned to build this year....... but what does this mean for the future?!


Apparently China and Japan tourists are filling the Uk/europe tourism gap and they are spending more money so tourism isnt being affected by the high$.


We are also planning to move in the next 12months and are unsure how to manage our finances, at the moment I think we will leave everything here in Uk and earn and spend $ to be safe. As long as we break even I'll be happy, I do not want to risk loosing £££££ on the excahnge rate.


History tends to repeat itself so I'm trying to think of a country in a similar situation in the past to see if I can predict a pattern but havent come up with anything yet.


Good Luck


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Guest Mallam

I think it will be up to $2 at the end of the year, the UK economy is growing quite strong now and I can see a good rate this time next year,:cute:

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The devalued pound is probably the only thing helping the UK economy at the moment. I suspect not much will change in the next wee while.


There doesn't appear to be any significant risks facing the Australian economy compared to those the UK economy continues to face (e.g. high unemployment, public sector debt, low interest rates, inflation). A lot can change in a short time though - (I put that in so as not to be accused of being a doom-mongerer:wink:.) Anyway, it wasn't too long ago the rate spiked to $1.80.


I would say that if you let your life be guided by the exchange rate you may never make a definitive decision. 'You can never beat the bandit.'



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